
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


What is it with these Tory ministers?

William Jihadi Hague.

And with Iain Duncan Smith, known as IDS, the D now stands for disgrace. However, it would be more accurate if his name was shortened to IBDS, the B standing for Bloody.

For Iain Disgrace Smith has blood on his hands, and yesterday neither he or his fellow ministers were prepared to defend IDS' dreaded Bedroom Tax in The Marsten House. And the Tories who did attend a debate on that inhuman policy revealed their inner cold blooded reptile, one of them calling for feckless fathers to be placed in chains! Just what that has to do with the Bedroom Tax, I'm not quite sure.

But do not be surprised when the Tories bring back the workhouse.

Readers should note:
1. IDS lives married into a very wealthy family, and lives rent free in a 10 bedroom mansion with all the essential things in life, like a swimming pool and tennis courts;
2. the purpose of the dreaded Bedroom Tax was to force people considered to be living in accommodation too large for their needs into smaller accommodation, yet the government knows that that smaller accommodation is not available, or if it is then it is in the much more expensive private sector.

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