
Friday, November 22, 2013


1. Santa Claus.
2. Elvis.
3. The Anglo-American Establishment through their military/CIA/mob network, who were pissed off with JFK for looking for cooperative global development and destruction of empire, rapprochement and detente with the USSR and a cooling of the Cold War, withdrawal from Vietnam, and perceived betrayal at The Bay of Pigs resulting in JFK beginning a full frontal bureaucratic assault on the CIA. They also had the power to cover it up by appointing people like Allen Dulles and John J McCloy to control The Warren Commission.
4. KGB.
5. Israel because JFK wanted to curb Israel's nuclear weapons program.
6. Colonel Mustard, with the cumbersome, ridiculously inaccurate and slow Mannlicher-Carcano, in the 6th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
7. Any combination of the above.

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