
Thursday, November 21, 2013


In 2003 and 2004 I wrote to the Intelligence and Security Committee 3 THREE times setting out in some detail my research into covert electromagnetic weapons and remote mind control. I demanded an immediate public inquiry into such weapons. They did nothing.

How can you tell if someone is intercepting your emails?

How can you tell if someone is remotely reading your mind? Or writing your mind?

Which is more sinister and intrusive?

We knew about Echelon years ago. That mass surveillance system was bound to have been modernised. I doubt whether all the latest technology since then could have been introduced into the public domain without the nod from particular spying agencies. Those agencies may have even developed the new technologies, then introduced them into the public sphere via a corporation.

The technology that the elite have is decades in advance of what is in the public domain. Many NWO/conspiracy researchers should know that. To me, the Snowden revelations are boring, and due to the conduit of his revelations, The Guardian, and its recent alliances I believe he is at the least being used in a psyop against Obama, particularly when previous NSA whistleblowers have been completely ignored. To add to this doubt about the sincerity of Team Snowden, Glen Greenwald is teaming up with Jeremy Scahill. Tarpley has accused Scahill of being funded by foundations, like Ford. But what cannot be denied is that Scahill recently torpedoed the appearance of Mother Agnes Miriam at a Stop The War conference in London later this month. Scahill has also professed his belief in the official 9/11 fairytale.

Forget Snowden and focus on the much darker, more sinister, more intrusive technology of remote mind control and EM weapons being used on the general public.

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