
Thursday, December 26, 2013


The two main parties opposed to the Anglo-American bankers appear to be
1. the Libertarian/Austrian school party
2. Larouche PAC

Regarding 1., I have been reading a few writings of theirs and found some very curious anomalies:
1. Justin Raimondo, editor of Antiwar, on the 50th anniversary of JFKs assassination attacked JFK as a warmonger and not once referred to his assassins. This is curious because it is blatantly obvious that after JFKs assassination the Gulf of Tonkin (non) event occured which was required to drag the USA into a long drawn out war in Vietnam, because before his murder JFK was pulling out of Vietnam.
2. Antiwar proudly state that they are Libertarian and believe in the work of Murray Rothbard of The Ludwig Von Mises Institute. One contributor to the LVMI is Thomas di Lorenzo, who has written books attacking Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln, and has praised another Libertarian writer as having the logic of Ayn Rand. Di Lorenzo has also praised John D Rockefeller in The Truth About the "Robber Barons" on It was the Rockefellers who sponsored Hitler and world government. But Hamilton was assassinated by the bona fide traitor Aaron Burr because Hamilton exposed Burr's treason. Burr fled New York to escape prosecution and stayed with hero of the Libertarians Andrew Jackson (who later delivered the USA on a plate to the Rothschilds) to plot yet more treason, but that plot was foiled and Burr eventually escaped to England to stay with Jeremy Bentham.

Regarding 2., one criticism that the Libertarians have is of the Bank of North America and the First and Second Bank of the United States, claiming that all that these banks did was create a British-style banking class but based in the USA. I believe there is possibly something in this. The President of the Bank of North America was the not-so-revolutionary Thomas Willing. Willing was also the first President of the Bank of the United States, who appointed Baring as bankers to the United States, having appointed Baring as his personal bankers just before the revolutionary war broke out. Willing was the son of a Shippen and two of Willing's granddaughters married leading members of the Baring banking family. The LPAC historian Anton Chaitkin in Treason in America attacks both the Shippen family and Barings, yet in A Very American Irony I looked at Willing and the Shippen family and their treason against America, and in other posts throughout last summer I looked at how Baring, which Chaitkin claims was at heart of the British Empire's war against the USA, could have sunk the USA financially several times but each time acted to save the USA, even going so far as to side with and financially assist Lincoln during the British-engineered US Civil War.


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