
Friday, January 03, 2014


I have today sent the following letter to Michael Gove MP, The Secretary of State for Education, in response to his article in The Daily Mail today entitled, Why does the Left insist on belittling true British heroes?


Dear Mr Gove

I read with some amusement your article published in The Daily Mail 3rd January 2014 in which you criticise particular academics and writers for holding what you see as a left-wing and anti-war bias regarding World War One. Although I consider left-wing analysis of World War One more accurate than that from the right-wing, it is still not accurate and covers up a much larger conspiracy.

But before I go into this conspiracy, I note that you supported the UK government on the matter of war on Syria in August earlier this year. This shows your complete ignorance of current affairs and war. Shortly after the horrific events of September 11th 2001, the former head of NATO in Europe, General Wesley Clark, was informed of a plan for war on seven nations in five years. The nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, together with Libya, Sudan and Somalia. You can watch Clark repeat these claims on several videos on Youtube. You will note that of these seven nations, only one, Iraq, was accused of being involved in 9/11, and even those accusations were false. So why were these nations named as targets for war? The first four of these were named in a Zionist warmongering document called A Clean Break, which was written for Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996. The authors of A Clean Break were interlocked with yet another group of Zionist warmongers who formed The Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Their first action was to demand war on Iraq. They then wrote Rebuilding America’s Defenses which named Iraq and Iran as the greatest threats to US national security, Iran being the greater threat. Signatories to the PNAC Statement of Principles included Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, who on 9/11 were running the US government, while President George W Bush was conveniently reading My Pet Goat in Florida, when the all-seeing all-knowing most powerful military machine on the planet was mysteriously AWOL, allowing the hijacked aircraft to even allegedly fly into The Pentagon! The power to issue a stand down order had been mysteriously given to just one man a few months before 9/11. That man was Donald Rumsfeld. That PNAC had written in Rebuilding America’s Defenses that they needed “a new Pearl Harbor” to go on the bloody global warmongering rampage was never mentioned in a warmongering media.

Consequently we went into Afghanistan, not for bin Laden, but for opium. The Anglo-American Establishment has been running the international drug trade for centuries. The Taliban had almost eradicated Afghan opium farming, but just a few years after NATO went in the opium harvest was at record levels. And somehow bin Laden was never captured. Perhaps because he had already died from Marfan Syndrome?

The A Clean Break/PNAC crowd then created The Office of Special Plans to cherry-pick intelligence on Iraq. So we went in being told that Iraq had done 9/11 and had WMDs that could strike our backyard barbecues in 45 minutes. But..surprise!! Their allegations were all untrue. But the A Clean Break/PNAC crowd had taken out target number one; Iraq. Israel then fought a war on Hezbollah…but lost. This is the key war because it involves Israel alone, and indicates that the wars since 9/11 are related to Israel, as the A Clean Break/PNAC documents suggest.

So by 2007 the war on seven nations in five years was seriously behind schedule. So an agreement was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto some of the nations named to Clark which had not yet been attacked. A cover for these Jihadis was required in order for them to be given political and military support. That cover was The Arab Spring, which was funded by The National Endowment for Democracy. The Jihadis were then unleashed onto one of the nations named to Clark, Libya. The BBC reported that British Special Forces assisted the Jihadis on the ground in Libya from the start, while NATO twisted UN SCR 1973 into a Get Gaddafi campaign, even though Gaddafi was an ally in the (bogus) war on terror, giving names of Islamic extremist terrorists to MI6 and CIA, and torturing suspects for the UK and USA who had been seized in the infamous rendition program. Gaddafi was eventually ‘got’, but only after tens of thousands of Libyans were bombed to death by NATO. After Libya the Jihadis were smuggled into Syria. Former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by Great Britain to help them to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.

But by late summer of this year, well over 2 years after the cutthroat Jihadis began slitting the throats of Syrian children, the Jihadis had not been able to either oust or kill Assad, despite a series of false flag events in which the Syrian Arab Army was accused of using chemical weapons or slaughtering whole villages (which were later found to have been committed by the Jihadis, e.g. Khan al Assal and al Houla in order to provoke military intervention in their favour). So Prince Bandar bin Sultan went to meet Vladimir Putin and issued a threat to Putin; if Putin dumped Assad then Saudi Arabia would purchase large amounts of Russian weapons and let Russia operate in The Middle East, or he, Bandar, would unleash the Jihadis onto the Sochi Winter Olympics, and create hell on earth in Syria and Lebanon. You will note that Putin has not dumped Assad, and as a result everything Bandar threatened has occurred, or is occurring: Lebanon is now very unstable, with terrorist attacks now occurring every day it seems; there have been recent terrorist attacks in Volgograd and towns around Sochi; but more importantly there was some kind of horrific attack in Ghouta on 21st August in which approximately 1000 Syrian civilians were killed. Assad was immediately blamed. But there was no reason for Assad to use chemical weapons and kill approximately 1000 civilians. The Syrian Arab Army had been easily defeating Bandar’s cutthroat Jihadis ever since they recaptured al Qusair in June. And UN inspectors were just down the road too. But the event at Ghouta benefitted the Jihadis; they were being beaten left, right and centre, and desperately needed overt military assistance as they had in Libya.

And Bandar had issued this threat to Putin!


So I read with some amusement your praise of war. World War One was not “a just war”. The whole war was planned from start to finish by the highest elements of the British ruling establishment. And here is the evidence:

1. Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote in his memoirs that he was told by a distinguished German Freemason that the Grand Orient Lodge had planned the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe;

2. The man who engineered the series of treaties and alliances against Germany years before the war was King Edward VII, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England;

3. It was widely known in Freemasonic circles that Freemasonry had condemned Arch Duke Ferdinand to death...and he knew it!

4. At their trial the assassins admitted:
a) to being Freemasons
b) to knowing that Freemasonry wanted Ferdinand dead and was looking for willing assassins
c) that they were in contact with Freemasons abroad and received a revolver and bullets from those Freemasons
d) that Freemasonry gave them encouragement.

5. King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm via Wilhelm’s brother that England would not involve itself in any war.

These are the main points which show that British Freemasonry planned the war and King George V played his part in tricking Germany. George was backed up with devilish diplomacy from Sir Edward Grey, who could have easily made it clear exactly where Britain stood but didn’t. As a result Germany invaded Belgium and Grey immediately cited the 1839 Treaty of London that Great Britain was not obliged to enforce.

You say in The Daily Mail today:
Indeed, the more we reflect on every aspect of the war, the more cause there is for us to appreciate what we owe to our forebears and their traditions.

But whatever each of us takes from these acts of remembrance and hours of debate it is always worth remembering that the freedom to draw our own conclusions about this conflict is a direct consequence of the bravery of men and women who fought for, and believed in, Britain’s special tradition of liberty.

The result of WW1 was slaughter in the trenches, but the ultimate aim of World War 1 was world government as the ultimate form of empire, but controlled by Great Britain. I could go into how, because The League of Nations failed because the USA voted out of it, a second world war was engineered, this time dragging in the troublesome USA for nearly 4 long, bloody years, but I won’t. That will take up the best part of a book.

The warmongers of World War 1 have sadly passed their genes on, and their progeny continue their warmongering today through this sick, demented plan for war on seven nations in five years, which was kicked off by the mother of all inside jobs 9/11. At first the wars involved our naked bombing of civilians in Iraq, but it now involves the horrific and cowardly unleashing of cutthroat Jihadis onto Syrian children.

All the men, women and children who fought and/or died in all these wars need justice, not ignorant imperialism!

Some justice could be done by making this history compulsory in the new National Curriculum.

But the best justice would be stop all the wars, honour the men, women and children who died in the wars and not the wars themselves, and the best honour we could give them would be to stop hiding the truth of those wars through inadequate history.

Yours Truly,

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