
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


In this centenary of the bloody first world war, we are seeing just how disgraceful, and disrespectful to our war dead, our politicians in The Marsten House are as they celebrate the violent fascist coup in Ukraine.

As I pointed out earlier today, the most dangerous newspaper in the world, The Guardian, supported this violent fascist coup in Ukraine. People power, they called it.

Is people power banning a language and stripping Ukrainian citizens who speak that language of their Ukrainian citizenship?

Is people power ransacking and burning government buildings?

Is people power proudly parading fascist emblems and insignia as they murder policemen?

Let's face facts. The USA and its masters in The City of London have been trying to kick Russia out of Ukraine since at least 1991. In 2004 The National Endowment for Fascism Democracy, George Soros and Boris Berezovsky financed The Orange Revolution.

But organising violence such as in Ukraine today is mere child's play for the bona fide sociopaths in The City of London and Wall Street.

This mass murdering scum specialise in world wars.

World War 2 was engineered by The City of London and Wall Street because World War 1, that they also engineered, did not produce the world government that they wanted. As stated by the Declaration of The United Nations of 1st January 1942, which I now quote:
The Governments signatory hereto,

Having subscribed to a common program of purposes and principles embodied in the Joint Declaration of the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland dated August 14, 1941, known as the Atlantic Charter.

Being convinced that complete victory over their enemies is essential to defend life, liberty, independence and religious freedom, and to preserve human rights and justice in their own lands as well as in other lands, and that they are now engaged in a common struggle against savage and brutal forces seeking to subjugate the world,


(1) Each Government pledges itself to employ its full resources, military or economic, against those members of the Tripartite Pact :and its adherents with which such government is at war.

(2) Each Government pledges itself to cooperate with the Governments signatory hereto and not to make a separate armistice or peace with the enemies.

The foregoing declaration may be adhered to by other nations which are, or which may be, rendering material assistance and contributions in the struggle for victory over Hitlerism.

Done at Washington

January First, 1942

As I have pointed out before, this declaration was made to defeat Hitlerism. That Wall Street and The City of London created Hitler, supported him politically and financially, financing his eugenics research, donating military technology to him, and the killer clue that he was set up, he was allowed to build the Wehrmacht way beyond the limit specified in The Treaty of Versailles, was not mentioned to the many soldiers of all nationalities who fought in WW2.

But The United Nations Declaration was made to defeat Hitlerism.

Our fathers, grandfathers, perhaps even great grandfathers fought Hitler in World War 2. They fought on the Atlantic Ocean (or risked their lives in the Merchant Navy). They fought in the deserts of North Africa. They fought Hitler's allies in South East Asia. They fought in the mud and snow of Europe. They fought. They died. They were crippled. They were maimed. My grandfathers both invaded North France in June 1944. They came back broken men, broken spiritually and broken psychologically. Upon their return, one lived life like there was no tomorrow and embarked on a series of affairs with young women, which devastated my grandmother, while the other fell into a German-hating depression. You probably have similar tales to tell about your relatives.

The point is, that they sacrificed everything to rid this world of what they were told was the greatest evil on this planet - Hitlerism.

So what are our disgraceful politicians doing now?


Any politician who is cheering that lot on should hang their head in shame. And surprise, surprise, Jihadi Hague, he who pushed for war on Syria as he supports Prince Bandar unleashing cannibal cutthroats onto defenceless Syrian children, is at the front of the queue of disgrace.

To add to the protest outside Freemason's Hall on Saturday 28th June, to protest Freemasonry's role in engineering World War One, I now also propose that we all hold hands and form a ring around The Marsten House, and turn our backs on our disgraceful disrespectful MMHs.

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