
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


This is an alternative reading list/statement of facts that provide slam dunk evidence that World War One was a British conspiracy.

1. La France Conquise: Edouard VII et Clemenceau (with contributions from Dr Webster Tarpley et al) - describes how and why Edward VII, as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England engineered the Triple Entente to isolate and surround Germany under the correct conditions.

2. How The British Crown Created the Balkan Powderkeg by Joseph Brewda - describes how the British created the Balkan Committee in 1903, each member of which was responsible for a nation in The Balkans, creating friction with the other Balkan nations.

3. Memoirs of Kaiser Wilhelm II - describes how a distinguished German Freemason told Wilhelm that Freemasonry engineered WW1 to create a power vacuum in Central Europe, and provides evidence that the British had created secret stores of war material in Northern France close to the Belgian border MONTHS BEFORE the assassination of Ferdinand.

4. The transcripts of the trial of the assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand - describe how the assassins were Freemasons, and received the material and encouragement for the assassination from foreign Freemasons, and how Ferdinand had been condemned to death by Freemasonry.

5. Kaiser Wilhelm's brother was told by King George V that Great Britain would not become involved in any war on the European mainland.

6. It was widely known in Freemasonic circles that Ferdinand had been condemned to death by Freemasonry...and he knew it.

7. Rothschild cousin Bethmann-Hollweg gave Austria "blank cheque" support from Germany to pursue a military solution.

8. Sir Edward Grey misrepresented Britain's position to multiple parties, did not make Britain's position crystal clear, and contrary to King George V's statement, as soon as Germany invaded Belgium, Great Britain cited the obscure Treaty of London 1839 to defend Belgium's neutrality which Great Britain was not legally obliged to defend unilaterally. Grey was a protege of Edward VII and on the edge of the Rhodes/Milner circle of extreme British imperialists.

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