
Friday, February 21, 2014


Someone once said to me, "You can't change the system".

"You can't change the system".

"You can't change the system".

I wonder what they would think if they read TTS.

"You can't change the system".

"You can't change the system".

Er, you can change the system.

You can stop the lies and wars of bona fide cowards who are very happy to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto, or fire inaccurate missiles from thousands of miles away at, defenceless Syrian children, but give 'em a rifle and uniform and you won't see 'em for dust.

This occured last year when for the first time in centuries a motion for war was defeated in The Marsten House.

There is as yet no mass uprising against the ridiculous banking system, with only 5 MPs having signed the EDM to debate the re-introduction of The Bradbury Pound, which is government created credit and not bank created debt for our moribund economy being forced to adopt zero-hours contracts, part-time employment or tax credits (i.e. wages topped up by the government).

Is all this fascism?

Reckless greedy banks, that we bailed out, creating our money, and the government subsidising wages through tax credits, or even through Workfare?

"You can change the system".

"You must change the system".

If we can stop the buggers from bombing defenceless Syrian children then we can stop this fascism.

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