
Saturday, February 22, 2014


In an interview with The Times of Israel, the member of The Marsten House, the Zionist Robert Halfon, has stated that the DFQ is importing and exporting Islamic terrorism. Halfon launched The Friends of Israel Initiative in The Marsten House in July 2010 which was hosted by The Henry Jackson Society.

Halfon refers to this interview on his website.
During my visit to Israel over the past four days, I was interviewed by The Times of Israel about British attitudes to Syria, Israel and Iran and the prospects for intervention. I also was asked about extreme Islamists and the terrorist threat in the United Kingdom.

[source : Israel, Iran, Syria: My interview with The Times of Israel, Robert Halfon MP (MMH),, 21st February 2014]

But he is not stating this to expose it out of altruism. He is stating this because he is naive and a Zionist and sees a threat to his beloved Israel. Thus Halfon is complaining about rather than exposing this importing and exporting of Islamic terrorism.

Halfon has reproduced 2 paragraphs from The Times of Israel article.
Halfon, 44, who grew up in a Jewish family in north London, won election to Parliament in 2010 in the seat formerly held by Churchill, Britain’s inspirational World War II prime minister. He said he lamented that in today’s Britain, there was both an “importing and exporting” of Islamist terrorism. Islamic extremists, “indoctrinated in Britain, are going to Syria to fight,” and radical Islamist preachers were coming into the UK to teach hatred. “We were only able to extradite [radical preacher] Abu Qatada [to face terrorism charges in Jordan] after a long struggle,” he noted.

He said Britain was grappling with “lots” of terrorist plots hatched by Muslim extremists and that a Kurdish leader who visited the UK recently and went to a mosque in the north of England told him that “a mosque that radical would have been closed down in Kurdistan.” (In the worst recent Islamist terror attack in the UK, in July 2005, four British-raised Muslims carried out simultaneous suicide bombings on a London bus and three underground trains, killing 52 people and injuring 700.)

[source : MP: Britons will never back preemptive strike on Iran, The Times of Israel,, 21st February 2014]

Halfon did not reproduce the reason why he was in Israel.
Halfon, who was visiting Israel this week in a delegation of Conservative Friends of Israel, told The Times of Israel in an interview that the vote in the House of Commons last August against a resort to force in Syria, following President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons against his own people, was “a tragic day for our country.”

Halfon's bona fide Zioniusm shines through in every word, in every sentence, in every paragraph. He does not mention the barabaric treatment with which Israel treats the Palestinians in The Occupied Territories, but he does tell The Times of Israel that he emphatically backed military intervention in Syria.

But this importing and exporting of Islamic terrorism by the DFQ has been going on for decades now. The terrorists had a Covenant of Security with British intelligence which allowed them to operate out of London but their policies had to comply with British foreign policy. And this allowed for Micheal Adebalajo to preach on the streets of Woolwich to plead with Muslims to join the Jihad against President Assad of Syria before he went on to butcher Lee Rigby. If MI5/The Metropolitan Police had arrested Adebalajo for inciting terrorism then Rigby would still be alive today. This Jihad against Syria is currently British foreign policy, to oust Assad. French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked by Great Britain to smuggle the Jihadis into Syria. This is all part of the plan agreed between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran after a plan for war on these nations fell seriously behind schedule and public opinion opposed war.

So the Zioidiot Halfon is correct to state this DFQ is importing and exporting Islamic terrorism, but it is currently being done for the benefit of, and in agreement with, his beloved racist oppressive Israel as it implements the Zionist policy of war against Iraq, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah outlined in A Clean Break after it engineered the inside Ziojob 9/11 to fool the USA to go to war for Israel. Sadly The Marsten House fell for it too.

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