
Saturday, March 15, 2014


Arseniy Yatseniuk is the new illegitimate Prime Minister of Ukraine after a violent fascist coup ousted the legitimately elected Yanukovich.

A lot of alternative media have focused on the fascist element of the violent coup, principally Svoboda, and the intercepted phone calls of Victoria Nuland and Catherine Ashton.

But what of "Yats" himself?

Well, "Yats" is a co-founder of the suspiciously sounding Open Ukraine Foundation.

This is suspicious because it appears to be in the Soros Open Society, but at the moment I cannot find an overt link on their website that declares this.

However, when you go to the Partners all is revealed in all its corrupt globalist glory.

Partners include:
Chatham House
US Embassy in Ukraine
National Endowment for Democracy


The Pinchuk Foundation.

The Pinchuk Foundation list of partners includes:
The Clinton Global Initiative
Brookings Institute
Aspen Institute


George Soros' Open Society Foundation.

So in addition to the violent fascist coup being supported by our corrupt politicians, with globally recognised violent neo-Nazis in charge of Ukraine's defence, national security and justice apparatus, the overlooked Prime Minister is in bed with NATO, the NED, Chatham House, Brookings, and Soros.


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