
Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Before NATO bombed Libya to smithereens in 2011, perverting UN SCR 1973 beyond recognition, Libya was not a utopia (where is?), but it was much more stable than it is now, with the highest UN human development index of any nation in Africa.

But now?

Let's listen to Owen Jones.
Today's Libya is overrun by militias and faces a deteriorating human rights situation, mounting chaos that is infecting other countries, growing internal splits, and even the threat of civil war. Only occasionally does this growing crisis creep into the headlines: like when an oil tanker is seized by rebellious militia; or when a British oil worker is shot dead while having a picnic; or when the country's prime minister is kidnapped.

According to Amnesty International, the "mounting curbs on freedom of expression are threatening the rights Libyans sought to gain". A repressive Gaddafi-era law has been amended to criminalise any insults to officials or the general national congress (the interim parliament). One journalist, Amara al-Khattabi, was put on trial for alleging corruption among judges. Satellite television stations deemed critical of the authorities have been banned, one station has been attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, and journalists have been assassinated.

Some human rights abuses began in the tumultuous days that followed Gaddafi's removal, and were ignored by the west. Ever since the fall of his dictatorship, there have been stories of black Libyans being treated en masse as Gaddafi loyalists and attacked. In a savage act of collective punishment, 35,000 people were driven out of Tawergha in retaliation for the brutal siege of the anti-Gaddafi stronghold of Misrata. The town was trashed and its inhabitants have been left in what human rights organisations are calling "deplorable conditions" in a Tripoli refugee camp. Such forced removals continue elsewhere. Thousands have been arbitrarily detained without any pretence of due process; and judges, prosecutors, lawyers and witnesses have been attacked or even killed. Libya's first post-Gaddafi prosecutor general, Abdulaziz Al-Hassadi, was assassinated in the town of Derna last month.

[source : Owen Jones, Libya is a disaster we helped create. The west must take responsibility, The Guardian,, 24th March 2014]

But how does Jones introduce this total disaster?
But with a murderous thug ejected from power, who could object?

In other words, Owen Jones is a NATO apologist.

I note that Stop The War has not tweeted this abomination by Jones.

And lest we forget:
1. it was Jones who supported the vain Jeremy Scahill in his bizarre attempt to oust Mother Agnes Mariam from speaking at the Stop The War conference last November;
2. it was The Guardian that supported breaking UN SCR 1973 and NATO becoming the Jihadi Air Force.

And I have yet to see either Jones or The Guardian refer to the plan for war plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11 which involves war on the following nations:
Iraq (2003);
Lebanon (2006);
Libya (2011);
Syria (2011- );
Iran (continual covert war involving sabotage of nuclear facilities and assassinations of scientists etc, and multiple Zionist attempts to drag the USA into war on Iran);
Sudan (Israel attacked Sudan several times, and Sudan has splintered);
Somalia (slowly becoming the focus of anti-terrorist operations, named in 2012 by the DFQ as a greater terrorist than Afghanistan, but as yet no large scale military operation).

So you don't need a PhD from The University of the Bleedin' Obvious to see that that plan revealed to Clark is being implemented. But because of great anti-war sentiment in NATO countries a Plan B has been implemented involving unleashing cutthroat Jihadis onto first Libya, then Syria, and now Lebanon and soon Iran. The Arab Spring was engineered to provide these cutthroat Jihadis with cover as 'freedom fighters' when the only liberation they want is the liberation of the heads from the torsos of their religious enemies.

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