
Sunday, March 02, 2014


The 'peaceful protesters' in Ukraine were in reality armed violent fascist thugs who ransacked and burned government buildings and murdered Ukrainian policemen. They continue this violence with vigilante justice, supplemented by racist policies against ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

This 'romantic peaceful revolution' has led to the installation of members of far right political organisations in the new government of Ukraine, following this violent fascist coup.

For a brief run down on who these fascists are, who are worse than BNP, see Ukraine Transition Government: Neo-Nazis in Control of Armed Forces, National Security, Economy, Justice and Education.

Since seizing power last weekend Russia has responded quietly but quickly, despite the dire warnings from Obama etc.

In response, the most dangerous newspaper in the world, The Guardian, has published an editorial in which it expresses its great concern at the speed of Putin's response and the slow response to this from NATO. I take this to mean that The Guardian/Observer is concerned that the violent NATO fascist coup in Ukraine is in danger of collapsing or at the least stalling.

One thing is certain: the current crisis presents the biggest threat to security in Europe since the Balkan wars, and western leaders, including Obama and David Cameron (who has spoken to Putin on the phone), have hardly been impressive in their response, demonstrating a weak grasp on the events unfolding. For now, Putin is ahead of the game. It is time for the international community to catch up.

[source : Putin is shaping events in Ukraine. It's time the west caught up, Editorial, The Observer,, 2nd March 2014]

For further analysis of the criminal fascist credentials of the coup listen to Dr Webster Tarpley (1st March 2014).

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