
Saturday, March 22, 2014


The tit-for-tat sanctions being implemented by Russia and the USA are petty and just for show.

The real big important stuff is being avoided.

Like Russian oil and gas being exploited by Exxon Mobil.

Read this article on how Russian oil and gas is being exploited by Exxon Mobil. It goes into some detail about what has gone on, is going on and is planned to go on between Exxon Mobil and Russia. The article does explicitly state:
So why has Exxon excelled there? I think it’s because Exxon has proven itself to be as hard-nosed as Putin is. Back in 2007, amid Putin’s moves to reassert state control over Russia’s energy industry, Exxon’s Sakhalin-1 JV with Gazprom was thought to be a target.

But it also looks into what happened in 2006 when Putin started to kick out British oil companies and demand better deals for the Russian state.

What happened in late 2006? Putin was accused of murdering Alexander Litvinenko. We have yet to see the evidence. Each time the British government has the opportunity to reveal the evidence it refuses to do so. Syria last year, and currently Crimea, are good opportunities to reveal the evidence and force Putin to back off. But the evidence, if it exists, is instead locked away in a deep, dark vault somewhere in Whitehall.

So when Putin tries to control the Jewish oligarchs who economically and financially raped Russia in the 1990s under Yeltsin, they flee to London or Tel Aviv to conspire and conspire and conspire to bring Putin down, but some stay to try to kick Putin out through domestic Russian politics.

And when Putin kicks Great Britain out of Russia's huge oil and gas energy market he is accused of the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, and we have yet to see the evidence, over 7 years after that radioactive photogenic death.

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