
Wednesday, April 16, 2014


This report adds to the FACT that MI5 were and still are allowing radical Muslim preachers to incite violence in Syria in a Covenant of Security because it is current British foreign policy. Michael Adebalajo was allowed to preach Jihad against President Bashar al Assad by MI5 before he butchered Lee Rigby.

The Guardian is reporting on a study made by two researchers from King's College London into
how social media is being harnessed by a network of radical preachers to inspire and guide British and other western Muslims waging jihad in Syria.

...The information allowed the analysts to identify a "set of new spiritual authorities" who have the largest followings. The report says they are the American-based cleric Ahmad Musa Jibril and the Australian preacher Musa Cerantonio. Both speak English and are based in the west.

Although there is no evidence to suggest these individuals are physically involved in facilitating the flow of foreign fighters to Syria, or that they are co-ordinating their activity with jihadist organisations, they are playing the role of cheerleaders. "It is clear that they are important figures whose political, moral and spiritual messages are considered attractive to a number of foreign fighters," the researchers conclude.

"Syria may be the first conflict in which a large number of western fighters have been documenting their involvement in conflict in real-time, and where – in turn – social media represents an essential source of information and inspiration to them," the report, a product of a year-long study, concludes.

...The study says Jibril is now the most "liked" personality on Facebook among the foreign fighters they tracked and is followed by 60% of foreign jihadists in Syria on Twitter.

[source : Revealed: the radical clerics using social media to back British jihadists in Syria, The Guardian,, 16th April 2014]

So just how can these people, preachers in the UK, USA and Australia and Jihadis in Syria, operate like this, on the internet, where everything is watched so intensely?

Because they are allowed to.

Because it is current British and American foreign policy to fuel the Jihad against Syria.

Why don't they shut down Jibril's accounts immediately?

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