
Sunday, April 13, 2014


Zac Goldsmith MP has been on Russia Today THREE times pushing recall.

But where does recall come on your list of political priorities? Particularly at this time when there is a real prospect of war with Russia on 2 fronts, Syria and Ukraine? And with all the eye-watering austerity being implemented by Goldsmith's party as the ordinary British taxpayer bails out, and soon bails in, The City of London which is ruled by Goldmsith's in-laws THE Rothschild banking family?

Well, recall comes way down on my list, particularly when Maria Miller was ousted without it.

There is very strong evidence that we have been and currently are engaged in illegal military action because of a little nation that was carved out of the former Ottoman Empire by Goldmsith's in-laws, the Rothschilds. That little nation, which was officially came into existence only in 1948, is now considered the 10th most powerful nation on the planet, possessing a nuclear arsenal that threatens the Middle East, an arsenal that Goldsmith's in-laws are suspected of giving that little nation through treason and espionage against this nation. That little nation stands accused of ignoring a multitude of United Nations resolutions. That little nation killed 1500 people in a contrived war in late 2008 after it provoked some in Gaza to break a ceasefire and kill less than 10 Israelis with rockets.

That little nation is Israel.

In 1996 a document called A Clean Break was written by a demented cabal of rabid Zionists calling for war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon (for Hezbollah).

Four years later that same cabal, having formed The Project for a New American Century in 1998, wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses stating that the greatest threats to US national security were...Iraq and Iran. They wrote that they needed a "new Pearl Harbor" to provoke the American people into multiple simultaneous wars across the globe.

That "new Pearl Harbor" was 9/11.

On 9/11 senior and founding members of PNAC were in very, very, very powerful and influential positions in the
US government, military and media apparatus as four alleged hijacked passenger planes flew unimpeded for nearly 2 hours around the most protected airspace in the world before eventually flying one of them into the HQ of the US military, The Pentagon!!

I mean, c'mon people!! WAKE UP!!!!!!

Shortly after this blatant inside Ziojob, General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, with Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Clark accuses senior and founding members of the Zionist PNAC of a foreign policy coup.

You will note that, surprise, surprise, the first four nations named above also appear in A Clean Break.

Although bin Laden was accused of 9/11, authors of A Clean Break were brought in to provide propaganda to blame Israel's enemies.

This is the sequence of wars since 9/11:
Afghanistan (2001) for opium not bin Laden who died from Marfan Syndrome shortly after 9/11.
Iraq (2003)
Lebanon (2006)
Libya (2011)
Syria (2011 - )

By 2007 this plan was moribund, so The Arab Spring was engineered to provide cover for cutthroat Jihadis to be unleashed by Saudi Arabia onto Lebanon, Syria and Iran, but they were first unleashed onto Libya, with NATO acting as their air force.

We are currently supporting morally, politically, financially and militarily medieval barbaric cutthroat Jihadis as they butcher their way through Syria, cutting the throats of defenceless Syrian children on their vain and futile attempt to oust President Bashar al Assad as per this plan revealed to Clark.

If Goldsmith wants to clean up politics he can start by revealing what he and his in-laws the Rothschilds know about 9/11 and all the subsequent wars and medieval cutthroat Jihadis...and all the wars that are planned.

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