
Thursday, April 17, 2014


For several months The warmongering ZioGuardian has been running a version of an editorial entitled In Praise Of... in which something is praised by The Guardian editorial board. Recent things praised have been the three-toed sloth, dingoes and the DIY dinner service.

Today The warmongering ZioGuardian is in praise of Brown Moses.

Moses has no qualifications in weapons whatsoever yet he has for some reason become a NATO media darling in Weapons of Mass Destruction, particularly in Syria.


Because he is trying to pin the horrific events in Ghouta of 21st August last year on President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Arab Army.

Here is what The Guardian says in praise of Brown Moses:
"Wisdom reekin' outa me ..." sings Frank Zappa in his song Brown Moses. That may be why Eliot Higgins chose the name for his blog where he charts the unreported news from parts of Syria where conflict is so brutal no journalist or aid worker would sensibly visit. With a background in finance and administration and speaking no Arabic, Mr Higgins was already monitoring YouTube and Twitter for videos and stills of the internal war before he was made redundant last October. Now, backed by a crowdsourced fund, he works full time from his home in Nottingham analysing images. He has taught himself how chemical weapons are made, how to use Google Earth so that he can pinpoint the exact place footage was filmed, and how to identify shells and find out where they come from. His work, including a project with the New York Times on arms smuggling, is widely respected. He's pushed back the frontier of citizen journalism.

[source : In praise of … Brown Moses, The Guardian,, 16th April 2014]

At the moment Brown Moses is trying to destroy Seymour Hersh via Hersh's knowledge of Volcano rockets. Moses also tried to destroy the Mint Press article, which blamed Ghouta on rebels who had been given chemicals by al Nusra Front who had in turn been given the chemicals by Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia.

Needless to say, Brown Moses has failed in these endeavours.

However, there have been some developments on the latest Seymour Hersh article, specifically that Hersh reported that Porton Down had said the chemicals used at Ghouta were not from Syria's arsenal. According to The Times foreign correspondent Tom Coghlan

However, a Google search indicates that Coghlan does not appear to have published this claim in The Times. And we have to ask why not. Is it because to do so would bring attention to Seymour Hersh and his reports? Or because to do so would require some kind of legal confirmation and/or backing?

I also expressed some doubts about the latest Hersh article, which I believe pointed the finger at Turkey much more than they deserve. Ghouta was levels above anything that Turkey had done previously, but Saudi Arabia had recent form in doing something like Ghouta; it ran 9/11, which is why 28 pages of the official report into 9/11 were redacted!!!

Moses has apparently hooked up with a London-based WMD consultant called Dan Kaszeta, who worked for the US military and Secret Service (so no possibility that he might be CIA or other alphabet agency). Kaszeta is that good that his first professional opinion was that Sarin was not used at Ghouta, but over time that opinion has changed. One needs to ask who Kaszeta's clients have been, are and could be in the future...

However, their analyses completely omit the global geopolitics of events in Syria.

They trust the United Nations.

They trust NATO.

They trust Saudi Arabia.

They appear willingly oblivious to the violence in Syria being part of a long term plan for war on seven nations in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark, which was instigated by the inside job 9/11 and amended in 2007 to allow Saudi Arabia to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria...AS SEYMOUR HERSH PREDICTED WOULD HAPPEN YEARS BEFORE IT HAPPENED!!

They also appear oblivious to the FACT that Prince Bandar bin Sultan was dispatched to Moscow to threaten Putin with unleashing hell in Syria if Putin didn't dump Assad. A few weeks after this threat was issued and rejected by Putin there was Ghouta.

I saw massive significance in this visit and asked that you all write to your MP to warn him/her of the coming carnage in Syria. The Saudi-backed rebels were suffering defeat after defeat and needed a spectacular event to provoke a large scale military intervention by NATO on their behalf, as happened in Libya.

Initial estimates of the dead approached 2000.

Within days this was revised down to a few hundred.

But videos surfaced showing men dead but then later alive.

And Mother Agnes Mariam claimed that children kidnapped from Lattakia had been identified by their parents in videos claiming to show the aftermath of Ghouta. She was very unprofessionally harassed off the Stop The War conference by Jeremy Scahill, who later teamed up with Glenn Greenwald in a new media venture.

And still 8 months after it happened the intercepted communications we were told existed which proved that the Syrian Arab Army did it have not been released. The major conduit of this allegation was the Israeli intelligence-run Debkafile. Israel is one of, if not THE, main beneficiaries of all the wars since 9/11, which occured on a day when Zionist agents had control of the US military when it went conveniently AWOL for the Zionist warmongers eager to implement their plans as proposed in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses.

One citizen blogger organisation who I think are demolishing Brown Moses is Who Attacked Ghouta?

So far I believe:
1. the evidence that Assad did it is flimsy at best, and is being gradually destroyed and losing credibility;
2. that Assad would kill thousands of his own people when this was precisely what NATO and Saudi Arabia and their cutthroat rebels wanted, and risk turning not only the Syrian Arab Army but also the Syrian people against him, defies all logic. I ask, why have the Syrian people and/or the SAA not rushed to oust him after Ghouta? They have had 8 months to find out themselves through their own private internal inquiries.;
3. the rebels had been developing chemical weapons, had tested them on animals and had issued threats on video of using chemical weapons;
4. that Bandar's threat issued to Putin resulted in Ghouta, and despite the vain efforts of Brown Moses to destroy the Mint Press article, all fingers point at Prince Bandar being involved in some ways, though not pulling the trigger.

And that The Guardian cried with joy when Assad agreed to relinquish his chemical weapons without once mentioning Israel's more powerful, terrifying and destructive arsenal of WMDs, and also not bring attention to the aforementioned plan revealed to General Wesley Clark, betrays their allegiance: NATO.

So this blog is in praise of...Who Attacked Ghouta?

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