
Sunday, May 18, 2014


David Icke has posted a good song entitled We Will Not Go Down by Michael Heart, about Operation Cast Lead, the immoral and outrageous attack on Gaza over the New Year of 2008/9, in which Israel killed approximately 1500 in response to rockets fired from Gaza killing, as I understand it, less than 5 Israeli civilians. So as Israel sees it, 5 dead Israelis means Israel can kill over 1500 Palestinians. That's what we are dealing with with Israel. The attack, like the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006, was engineered by Israel. Some sort of peace deal had been reached between Hamas and Israel; Hamas would stop firing rockets into Israel if Israel lifted its economic blockade of Gaza, which was illegal anyway as a form of collective punishment. According to even the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rockets fired from Gaza had fallen to virtually zero, thus showing that Hamas had kept its side of the deal. But did Israel keep its side? NO CHANCE! On the day of the US Presidential election in 2008 several members of Hamas were killed by Israel as they tried to the run the illegal blockade that Israel should have lifted. This provoked someone, not necessarily but probably Hamas, to fire more rockets into Israel from Gaza.

Thus Israel had its excuse to bomb Gaza again.

And boy! Did Israel go to town!

Schools bombed. Phosphorus used. Many, many, many civilians dead.

Hague stood up in The Marsten House and accused Hamas of starting the war!!!

So that is the background to Heart's song. And yes, it is good.

But what about this, also from Heart?

Michael Heart - What About Us (Song for Syria)

You might think that, due to Heart's We Will Not Go Down, What About Us would be anti-Israel and pro-Assad for Assad being anti-Israel and supporting Palestinians.


It is pure R2P, and even suggests that Assad did Ghouta!

And to top it all off, the video ends with a flag of some sort fluttering in the breeze, with the word Freedom.

But the problem is that that flag used by Heart was used by Syria when Syria was under French mandate due to the imperialist Sykes-Picot Accord, i.e. when Syria was not independent. That flag has also been adopted by the treasonous SNC as they now openly discuss an alliance with Israel against Assad, having served as Israel's unwitting cannon fodder for 3 years in The Redirection reported by Seymour Hersh in 2007, which is Plan B to the Plan A of war on seven nations in five years as revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside Ziojob 9/11!

And Heart is a Syrian American!

So does he work for anyone?

How can anyone be so emotional yet so ignorant of the true state of affairs in their home country?

Does Heart want Syria back under French rule?

This is the flag that Heart should have used.

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