
Tuesday, May 20, 2014


On economics:
The banksters cannot be let off the hook for their role in the current financial crisis. The **** **** demands that the banksters responsible for the catastrophe which has crippled the international banking system be held personally legally liable for their actions in terms of corporate governance laws. They should have to pay a personal price for the mess they have created, and not be rewarded with huge bonuses which have come from taxpayer-funded bailouts.

- The nurturing and encouragement of new and existing British industries;

- The protection of British companies from unfair foreign imports;

- The promotion of domestic competition;

- Increased taxes on companies which outsource work abroad;

- The renationalisation of monopoly utilities and services, compensating only individual investors and pension funds. Privatising monopolies does not benefit either the consumer or the country. All that happens is the ‘family silver’ is sold off and monopoly utilities and services are asset-stripped, often by foreign competitors.

On foreign affairs:
In reality, this means that Britain’s foreign relations should be determined by the protection of our own national interests — and not by our like or dislike of other nations’ internal politics.

Britain has no right to dictate the internal politics or social configuration of any other nation. We would also expect all other nations to grant this same right to Britain.

We would have no quarrel with any nation that does not threaten British interests.

...Maintain an independent foreign policy of our own, and not a spineless subservience to the USA, the ‘international community’, or any other country.

With regard to Europe, a *** *** government will:

- Resolutely oppose the single European currency;

- Support the overwhelming majority of the British people in their desire to keep the Pound and our traditional weights and measures.

At the same time, a *** *** government will strive for the best possible relationship with our European neighbours. The nations of Europe should be free to trade and cooperate whenever it is mutually beneficial without being forced into a straightjacket of political and economic unification — which is neither desirable, ultimately practically unfeasible and which is guaranteed to create conflict rather than avoid it.

Accordingly, a *** *** government will withdraw from the European Union.

A clue is that the leader of this party was stitched up on BBC Question Time. A young Jew called Joel Weiner had applied to appear on BBC QT a year before his appearance but was rejected. However, just days before this party leader was due to appear on BBC QT Joel was surprised to receive a phone call from the BBC asking him if he wanted to appear on BBC QT to ask this leader a question about the holocaust.

The policies above are of the British National Party. They want to stop the warmongering and clamp down on The City of London. They want nationalisation of industries and repatriation of jobs sent abroad on the cheap.

But then they go and say something like this:
Reach an accord with the Muslim world whereby they will agree to take back their excess population which is currently colonising this country, in exchange for an ironclad guarantee that Britain will never again interfere in the political affairs of the Middle East or try to dictate to any Arab or Muslim country as to what their internal government form should be;

Excess population? How will this be determined? How will this be implemented and enforced. They have plenty other racist policies while calling other parties racist. And they seem very prepared to enforce their racist policies by using state resources.

But despite this overt racism, the BNP does have a lot of silent and not-so-silent support. Whether this is due to all their policies, or just some, I don't know. I am not, nor wish to be, a member, of the BNP.

But I know for a fact that they and parties like them, like UKIP, do have a lot of support, and that support is growing. Hence the demonisation of Nigel Farage, Nick Griffin, etc.

The world government project is being exposed and rejected by the people.

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