
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


It's weird that when Paul Wolfowitz and his Ziomates began plotting the diabolical plan we are now seeing failing spectacularly in the Middle East and North Africa, I was raving to tunes like these.

And now here I am, exposing that plan, blocking war on Syria, and exposing the origins of world wars and being ostracised for it (but absolutely lovin' it really...)

Out of the 2, I don't know which I would prefer doing...

Probably the latter, despite the recent huge disappointing negativity. I'd rather be saving tens if not hundreds of thousands of children from being blown to bits and trying to get the perps exposed and locked up than doing nothing but living a life of self-indulgence but also sad servitude to the perps...

Wouldn't you?

When the call came, I listened and joined the fight.

Others haven't,

Well, not as yet...

Convert - Nightbird

Lisa M - People (Nellee's Rave Mix) (Classic House -1991-)

Mechanix Enterprise-Let's Get Down (Black Power Mix).wmv

S Bam - Chica Boom

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