
Monday, June 16, 2014


Why do Seamus Milne and Owen Jones still write for The Guardian?

For 2 consecutive days The Guardian has had a fantastic opportunity to expose the plan for totaler krieg revealed to General Wesley Clark following Tony Blair's essay on why he and we are not to blame for the recent rise of Islamic extremists in Iraq. And for 2 consecutive days The Guardian has supported Blair.

Yesterday The Guardian wrote:
But to claim, 11 years on, that what is happening now can be attributed to what was done then is both facile and insulting. It suggests, in a sort of inverted, postmodern neo-colonialism, that Iraqis remain incapable of assuming responsibility for their own country. The invasion, whatever else it did, gave Iraq the chance of democratic self-governance that it would never have experienced under Saddam Hussein. It is this imperfect democracy that is now under threat – and which must now be improved, even as it is preserved.

[source : Iraq: Isis can be beaten and democracy restored, Editorial, The Guardian,, 15th June 2014]

Today The Guardian brings Saddam into the mix:
Saddam's Iraq was a shambles long before the decision to invade, and the blame lay both with him and with us. That decision to invade was less about Iraq, its plight, or any threats it posed to its neighbours, than about the Bush administration's perceived need for a crushing demonstration of US power after years of defeats beginning with the Iranian revolution and culminating in the twin towers attack. Mr Blair makes no mention of that. Once in, the occupiers could have done far more to remedy the deficiencies they had helped to cause. Instead, they compounded them. That is why we are in the situation we are in today.

[source : The Guardian view on the Iraq crisis: a case of blame and shame, Editorial, The Guardian,, 15th June 2014]

No mention of A Clean Break being written in 1996 proposing Israeli aggression against Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

No mention of PNAC being formed in 1998 by Zionists, and PNAC writing to Bill Clinton in 1998 demanding regime change in Iraq.

No mention of PNAC publishing Rebuilding America's Defenses in 2000 which named Iraq and Iran as the greatest threats to US national security, and also proposing the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to trick the American public into supporting wars on Iraq and Iran.

No mention of the intersection of Zionists who were members of or associated with PNAC and wrote A Clean Break.

No mention that they were in charge of the US military on 9/11 when it was suspiciously and conveniently AWOL as 4 alleged hijacked passenger planes flew around their turf before flying into The Pentagon.

No mention of General Wesley Clark relating his conversation in 1991 with Paul Wolfowitz in which Wolfowitz said that the USA had 5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes; Iraq, Iran and Syria.

And definitely no mention of Clark accusing PNAC members Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld of a foreign policy coup.

And thus this most evil conspiracy against the human race continues to be covered up by the flagship of the NATO media for which Owen Jones and Seamus Milne write.

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