
Sunday, June 29, 2014


As an indication as to the kind of sleep I can get when not being zapped, I had six hours of unbroken sleep last night, and I feel completely different to yesterday. I have not had that kind of sleep since last September when after a cycle ride I had 5 hours of unbroken sleep. A typical night of sleep for me is two or three spells of between 1 and 2 hours each, which in total sounds OK, but it is broken sleep. And this has been going on for well over a decade.

So if you're not being zapped, ask yourself, why?

Is it because you are not saying anything?

Or if you are saying something then what are you saying that they want you to keep saying? Or what are you not saying that they don't want you to say?

I'm going to make a long list of what I say in a blog today, and see what you agree or disagree with.

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