
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Martin Wolf writes for The Financial Times, on economics.

According to his Wikipedia page, Wolf's parents were both Jews, and in particular his mother was a Jewess who lost nearly 30 close relatives in The Holocaust.

Wolf has been to the highly secretive Bilderberg meetings on a number of occasions...and obeys their rules and does not write about it!! Yet it was the creators and supporters of Bilderberg who also created Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Professor Antony C Sutton exposes this in his most excellent Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.

So why would Wolf be protecting Bilderberg?

And what does this suggest about his knowledge of history?

Well, it is funny you should ask that question, because Wolf has condensed the history of last century into one very, very, very succinct paragraph. And here it is:
The rivalry among the European powers tore this world apart. The war led to the Russian (and so subsequent) communist revolutions. It shifted power across the Atlantic. It left global economic stability at the mercy of the US, by then the world’s principal creditor. It decisively weakened the old imperial powers. It destroyed European self-confidence. What the first world war had not done, the Great Depression, Nazism and the second world war did. By the time of D-Day, the world economy had disintegrated, Europe was prostrate and the abomination of the Holocaust was under way. Disaster was complete.

[source : Martin Wolf, Three events that shaped our world, FT,, 10th June 2014]

The three events that Wolf refers to are World War One, World War Two and The Fall of the Berlin Wall.

As shown in the paragraph above, and similar to the semi-official Stop The War history of World War 1, Wolf believes that rivalries between European powers caused World War 1. This is partly true, but protects the real reason for World War 1 ; that nations like Germany and Russia were cooperating and implementing The American System of Economics, including high tariffs on imports, which led to rapid development of not only their national economies but a system of trade based on mainland routes beyond the control of the British Navy. This led to Germany and the USA knocking nice Great Britain from the position as the world's most powerful economy. So as shown on this blog, and partly in the LPAC video entitled 1932, the evil British ruling elite began to engineer World War 1 so that these nations, and Europe as a whole, would be at each others throat, mutually destroying each other so that Europe could be rebuilt as Great Britain wanted.

Wolf also sums up the Russian Revolution in one sentence:
The war led to the Russian (and so subsequent) communist revolutions.

But behind this sentence lies the following:
1. British protection of Russian dissidents trying to overthrow the Russian monarchy (and Freemasonry was a conduit of this);
2. this developed to attempted assassinations of Tsars after Alexander II assisted Abraham Lincoln in defeating the British-supported Confederacy during the American Civil War;
3. British and Wall Street banks and bankers financing the Japanese war on Russia in the early 1900's and then supporting the aborted 1905 Revolution run by Lenin and Trotsky (the purpose of that war);
4. then after embroiling Russia in World War 1 for 3 years, the Russian people were more receptive to a revolution, so Lenin was sent into Russia on a sealed train loaded with Rothschild gold by Max Warburg and friends (without telling the Kaiser), while Trotsky was somehow given an American passport, detained at Halifax but released on the order of the British Admiralty, and then allowed to continue his journey into Russia;
5. Jacob Schiff proudly boasted of his financing of and support for the Russian revolution.

So, as with world wars, rather than it just being a spontaneous event, The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the result of decades of British/Freemasonic/Jewish conspiring against Russia.

Now, according to Kaiser Wilhelm II, Freemasonry engineered WW1 to create a power vacuum in Central Europe. But according to Christian Rakovsky, this vacuum was supposed to have been filled by Trotsky and his version of Marxism. But we got The League of Nations instead.

And other but, The United States of America voted to stay out of The League of Nations, thus dooming that first attempt at world government.

Two alternative schools of thought are:
1. Again, according to Christian Rakovsky, Hitler was created by Wall Street to wage war on and weaken Stalin, may be even overthrow Stalin, as the Russo-Japanese War and World War 1 were supposed to overthrow the Romanovs;
2. (and this is my theory) because the USA voted out of the League of Nations, both Hitler and Stalin were empowered by Wall Street, their geographical proximity guaranteeing a world war which the USA was to be embroiled in for much longer than the 1 year or so that it fought in WW1.

In either of these theories the Nazis were created by Wall Street for a large war.


And I'll now impersonate Wolf with his Bilderberg brevity:
WW2 was engineered to create another world government, The United Nations, to replace the aborted League of Nations, and because the USA had fought for nearly 4 years it was more receptive to world government, and even houses the UN in New York. The UN is now assuming and grabbing more and more control and interfering with more and more national sovereignty.

So what can we learn from Martin Wolf?

From this article ; ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

But we could learn so much more if he started talking about Bilderberg.

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