
Saturday, July 05, 2014


Webster Tarpley spent the first 20 minutes or so of his latest appearance on Jeff Rense to discuss World War 1.

Listen at

Tarpley refers to an offer that King Edward VII made to the Hofjuden that they could not refuse: invest Edward's assets and he takes the profits but they cover any losses.

Sound familiar? It should, because that is how we have been shafted by the banks in the last 6 years.

But another little factoid that Tarpley mentioned that I would like to add to is on the assassination of Rasputin.

Rasputin was very influential in the Russian Court, but he was not the seducer he was made out to be. These rumours were manufactured by the Anglophile network around Prince Yusupov, who Tarpley states was the homosexual lover of King Edward VII. Yusupov was involved in the assassination of Rasputin, but he was not the only assassin. Yusupov was assisted by MI6 agents Oswald Rayner and John Scales in the assassination. Rasputin had the potential to infuence Nicholas into withdrawing from the war.

This may at first appear to be a reasonable action by MI6 agents, to murder somebody who could take Russia out of the war, leading to the German troops on their Eastern Front switching to their Western Front to fight and kill our fathers and grandfathers in the trenches of Northern France.

But as always, we need to see the bigger picture.

Freemasonry had tried several times to overthrow the Russian monarchy in the first quarter of the 19th century, but failed. As a consequence, despite the Tsar himself being a Freemason he banned Freemasonry in Russia. And as a consequence there was relative stability in Russia. It was not until Tsar Alexander II sent the Russian Navy to New York and San Francisco to assist Abraham Lincoln during the British-engineered US Civil War that there was trouble at'th mill in Russia.

As a consequence of fighting and defeating the British-sponsored Confederacy, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a network of British agents based in Canada.

And a nest of British anarchists began attempts on Alexander's life. They failed several times, but eventually succeeded. Alexander III came to the throne and he too was the subject of assassination attempts from the same network, including one by Lenin's brother, who was hanged.

In 1904 there was the Schiff-financed Russo-Japanese war, which Schiff's agent George Kennan was supposed to use in 1905 to raise a rebellion against the Romanovs, but he and Trotsky failed. Trotsky and Lenin were exiled.

But in 1917, after 3 years of slaughter, the Russian people were not ready for a revolution themselves, but were so lethargic and unopposed to somebody else. That somebody else was Lenin, who was used by Germany to spread dissent among the Russian people, and eventually sent into Russia by the Warburgs on a sealed train loaded with Rothschild gold. Meanwhile, Trotsky, who was living in New York, was given an American passport, set sail for Russia accompanied by reps of Wall Street, was detained at Halifax, Nova Scotia but was released under orders of the British Admiralty, to join Lenin. Jacob Schiff later boasted of his financing of the Russian revolution.

From this it is obvious that Rasputin was assassinated to stop him persuading Nicholas II from taking Russia out of the war so that a revolution could finally oust Nicholas of the troublesome Romanovs.

The Triple Entente consisted of Great Britain, France and Russia. In 1917 the USA joined the war, thus sealing Germany's doom. So in 1917 it was time to dump Russia by finally taking out the Russian monarchy that the British/Freemasonry/Jewish cabal had worked for throughout the 19th Century.

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