
Friday, July 04, 2014


I listened to Nicky Campbell on BBC Radio 5 Live this morning between 0800 and 0830. During that time an interview by Campbell of a Jihadi was repeated. This interview is also reported in The Guardian.

After the repeat of the interview, another BBC reporter spoke to Campbell about the contents of the interview, and said something along the lines of, "Some may say that we should not broadcast such an interview but some times it is necessary so that we can understand their psychology."

A few weeks ago the NATO media was on fire reporting on a video of British and Australian Jihadis in which the Jihadis called for Muslims to join their Jihad in Iraq and Syria.

So I repeat the question that I posed at that time: why are the NATO media showing such videos and playing such interviews in which violent Jihadis call for Muslims to join their Jihad, while they do not report on or play the videos of General Wesley Clark, which are easily available on Youtube, in which Clark states that shortly after 9/11 he was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years?

One possible answer, and the one that I believe in, is that the NATO media needs to broadcast such videos and interviews of Jihadis to at least get their point of view expressed to the Muslim youth who can then decide if they agree or disagree and act accordingly and join the British-manufactured Jihadi pipeline into Syria, but the NATO media cannot glorify such videos and interviews so they express this fake shock horror and revulsion, and they cannot broadcast or refer to the claims of General Wesley Clark because all the wars would stop immediately.

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