
Sunday, July 27, 2014


Here in this Disunited Fascist Queendom, we are told at school that Germany was the centre of all evil, run by madmen who wanted a world war that much they invaded France because an Austrian Arch Duke was assassinated by a Serbian.

But as with all things British, things are not as nice as they seem.

I have been on and on and on and on about how World War One was engineered by the British using Freemasonry. This was because nations like Germany and Russia were cooperating with the USA and implementing The Amercian System of Economics which was helping them to replace the brutal pro-slavery British Empire as the dominant economic force, and building land-based trade routes beyond the control of the powerful British Royal Navy. So Britain went for broke; it engineered a world war to destroy Europe and install a world government to stop any future war, which would be backed up with American muscle.

And the plan almost worked.

Europe was destroyed by World War One.

A world government was established, and many nations joined...except the USA.

As a consequence a second world war was required. So Wall Street and The City of London built Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Such ideological extremes in such close proximity were bound to clash. And the USA was dragged in early, in order to suffer many more casualties than it did in WW1 and thus be more amenable and accepting of a world government. And as a consequence, the USA not only joined but also hosts that world government, The United Nations.

But back to WW1.

I proposed a protest against all this outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June this year, 100 years to the day of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. I proposed it in January. People had 5 months to organise their travel etc. But on the day, who turned up? JUST ME!!

After Freemasons assassinated Ferdinand, as they admitted at their trial, King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm's brother that Britain would remain neutral in any subsequent war. This encouraged Germany and Russia to mobilise for war, because although Great Britain might not have been the most powerful economic force it still had an extremely powerful military and resources to call on and which was still respected.

But a letter has been found which reinforces this strong theory that Great Britain engineered World War One.

It is a letter that throws fresh light on one of the darkest periods in Britain’s history.

A note which has remained in private hands for a century details a previously undocumented meeting between George V and his Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, on the eve of the First World War.

The King, mindful of his position as a constitutional monarch, made no public declarations about the situation in Europe in the lead-up to the conflict.

But in the newly-disclosed meeting, the King informed Sir Edward it was "absolutely essential" Britain go to war in order to prevent Germany from achieving “complete domination of this country”.

When Sir Edward said the Cabinet had yet to find a justifiable reason to enter the conflict, the King replied: “You have got to find a reason, Grey.”

[source : Revealed: how King George V demanded Britain enter the First World War, The Daily Telegraph,, 26th July 2014]

So King George tells Germany that Great Britain would stay out of any war, encouraging Germany and Russia to mobilise, but he then tells Sir Edward Grey to get Britain into the war!!

Come on, people of this Disunited Fascist Queendom!

Can't you see who rules you?!

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