
Thursday, August 21, 2014


James Foley was executed, I think. I have not seen any video but that's what we are being told.

James Foley was white.

James Foley was an American.

When he was first reported missing in Syria we were told that the Shabiha had nabbed him and handed him over to the Syrian military. If so, then how did IS get him? Perhaps the first story was true and IS found Foley in a cell. Or the initial story was bullshit.

But Foley was that important that apparently there was a secret mission to find and rescue him by US Special Forces, which failed. What does that suggest about Foley?

But he is also apparently that important that Der Fuhrer, Dodgy Dave Cameron, has urgently returned from his holiday to discuss what to do about Foley's death.

A British Prime Minister urgently returns early from his holiday to discuss what to do about the death of one white American.

What the f@#&?!

Contrast this response to that to the deaths of over 2000 Palestinians by God's Chosen People, Israel, after the Devil himself, Benjamin Netanyahu, engineered a 'war'. According to the latest figures released by Gaza Ministry of Health, Israel has killed 553, repeat 553, children. Some of them died just yesterday. Brown Moses might be able to find a few pictures of dead Palestinian children on social media if we ask him nicely.

553 children.


Blown to bits.

Some decapitated by only God and Israel know what kind of hellish weapons they are testing.

Yet what did Cameron and his Cabinet do? FUCK ALL!!

Baroness Warsi eventually resigned, but she took her time about it. She was praised by Owen Jones, but he still writes for the now blatant bona fide Zionist The Guardian.

And in addition, the UK has reneged on its recent statement about supplying weapons to Israel!!

So, that is how this country works.

One decapitated white American and the British Prime Minister urgently returns from his holiday to discuss retribution.

Five hundred and fifty three dead Palestinian children, all killed by Israel, and not a peep.

And let's not forget East Ukraine while we're at it.

Ukraine was recently taken over by bona fide neo Nazis, with the assistance of over $5 billion from the USA alone, whose supporters chased anti-putsch protestors into a building and burned them alive, shot at those trying to jump from third floor windows and beat to death those who survived the jump. The neo Nazis are now bombarding civilian areas of East Ukraine with inaccurate indiscriminate weapons. And all the evidence points to Kiev shooting down MH17. Over 2000 are now dead in East Ukraine. Bodies lie rotting and unrecovered in the streets.

Neo Nazis murdering civilians and not a peep from Downing Street.


Obviously, despite Cameron's statements about no boots on the ground in Iraq, the establishment does indeed want boots on the ground in Iraq. They are there already actually. The SAS are there. And they are a law unto themselves and Buckingham Palace. SO God knows what they are up to.

I still can't see whether Iraq is being partitioned or this is all just a way to eventually get at Assad. They did 9/11 to replace people like Assad. He should have been replaced years ago, according to their initial schedule. But nearly 13 years after 9/11 and he is still there, and looks like he is there to stay for a long time yet, particularly while Putin runs Russia. Hence the war on Putin.

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