
Monday, August 18, 2014


There is some doubt about el Sisi of Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood were the choice of the NATO establishment. The NATO media loved the MB.

El Sisi kicked them out, and charged hundreds of them with terrorism.

But it also came out that Saudi Arabia had promised to provide $4 billion to Egypt if el Sis kicked the MB out. Why would the centre of international cutthroat Jihadism do this? Saudi Arabia considered the MB a threat to their unique brand of Jihad.

But at the same time there were reports that Egypt under the MB were about to join the 'war' in Syria on the side of the cutthroats.

But despite all this, Webster Tarpley came out firmly in favour of el Sisi, calling him a new Nasser.

Now LPAC have come out firmly in favour in favour el Sisi, in two articles:
Egyptian President Declares Support for Crucial Toshka Mega-Agricultural Project

New Suez Canal Project Recalls Nasser and the Aswan Dam

So, economically he may be drifting towards the BRICS, but:
1. he employs Blair as an advisor;
2. he didn't exactly shine during the most recent Israel shooting-fish-in-a-barrel war on the Gaza strip.

Perhaps el Sisi is playing both sides at the moment, testing the wind. The last few years in Egypt have been turmoil and chaos, and Egyptian leaders have lost their leaderships too easily.

I would be happier if he didn''t employ Blair, and he supported The Gaza Strip more, despite Hamas' government.

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