
Friday, August 22, 2014


Michael Adebalajo was being harassed by MI5 to become a spy for them, but he apparently refused. But Adebalajo was no ordinary Muslim. While he was under surveillance by MI5 he was preaching Jihad on the streets of London, pleading with young Muslims to go to Syria to wage Jihad against President Bashar al Assad. He was even considering going there himself. But it looks like the harassment from MI5 may have caused Adebalajo to go several steps further than preaching and he murdered Lee Rigby.

One huge question about this is : why would MI5 allow Adebalajo to preach Jihad against Syria?

If the British government was so concerned about terrorism, why would MI5 allow preachers to preach Jihad? And against Syria?

As stated on this blog multiple times:
1. 9/11 was done to provide the casus belli for a series of wars to be waged on seven nations over five years, one of those nations being Syria;
2. but by 2007 that plan was moribund, so Saudi Arabia agreed to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Lebanon, Syria and Iran, but they were first unleashed onto Libya, Libya also being one of the seven nations;
3. Great Britain began planning for the insertion of Jihadis into Syria in 2009, 2 years before The Arab Spring kicked off in Syria;
4. but after over 3 years of 'civil' war, in August 2014 Assad is still in power, so the Jihad against Syria requires more and more recruits.

Hence, MI5 was doing what it has done for decades and nurtured Islamic terrorism, by allowing wild and extreme Islamic preachers to preach Jihad against Syria.

But after Adebalajo murdered Lee Rigby there was an inquiry into how to stop Islamic extremism growing.

The inquiry reported its findings to the British government in December last year.

So how many of the inquiry's main recommendations has the British government implemented?

NONE !!!

Ministers faced a storm of criticism last night over the failure to halt the radicalisation of British Muslims amid claims up to 2,000 may have travelled to Iraq and Syria to fight.

Downing Street was forced to admit plans to prevent youths being brainwashed by jihadists, ordered following the horrific murder of Lee Rigby, have been gathering dust for months.

Prime Minister David Cameron set up an ‘extremism taskforce’ after the 25-year-old British soldier was hacked to death by cleaver-wielding fanatics in broad daylight outside Woolwich Barracks, South-east London, in May last year.

But as anger mounted over the beheading of American journalist James Foley by a masked Islamic State militant with an English accent, it emerged none of the group’s main recommendations had been implemented.

[source : Failures that let our young people turn into jihadis: Plans to stop youths being radicalised are gathering dust, The Daily Mail,, 22nd August 2014]

Allowing Islamic extremism to grow provides more recruits for the Jihad against Syria, and it also allows MI5 and GCHQ to call for more surveillance power.


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