
Friday, September 12, 2014


I have asked the question why the ransoms for hostages from, for example France, held by IS/ISIS/ISIL were paid while the ransoms of British and American hostages were not and are not being paid. The ransoms for hostages from several nations have been paid, and the broker was Qatar. But for some strange reason British and American hostages can have their heads chopped off.

And yet, it is the British and American governments who are using these beheadings of hostages as a casus belli.

The British and American governments cite this strange G8 treaty in which no member would pay the ransom. David Cameron recently stated in The Marsten House that Britain would not pay any ransom, provoking the family of a British hostage over last weekend to accuse Cameron of playing games with lives.

Now the mother of James Foley is stating that she was threatened with prosecution by the FBI is she tried to pay the ransom for James.
The mother of James Foley, the American journalist beheaded by ISIS, spoke tonight of her deep disappointment felt towards the Obama administration for their handling of his time as a prisoner of the terror group, saying, 'I really feel our country let Jim down.'

On the 13th anniversary of 9/11 and the day after President Obama addressed the nation and finally offered a strategy to defeat ISIS, Diane Foley told CNN that 'as an American', she was 'embarrassed and appalled' at the efforts to rescue her son from captivity.

Articulate and thoughtful throughout her interview, Mrs. Foley made the startling claim that US officials threatened her family with prosecution if they tried to raise a ransom for Foley, 40, and said 'Jim was sacrificed because of a lack of communication and prioritization.'

[source : 'As an American I'm embarrassed and appalled': James Foley's mother hits out at Obama's efforts to rescue her son and claims she was threatened with PROSECUTION if family paid ransom, The Daily Mail,, 12th September 2014]

This supports my thesis that British and American hostages of IS/ISIS/ISIL are being sacrificed by their respective governments to provoke support for war.

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