
Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I watched a very confident Brown Moses on Sky TV last night explicitly calling Russia liars. This was due to a suspicious video of a BUK system creeping through the silent morning allegedly through rebel held territory, conveniently with the covers off to show a missing missile, thus implying that that was the system that was used to bring down MH17. That video was uploaded onto Youtube by the Ukraine security service. It is very, very, very convenient to say the least that someone within the Ukraine Security Service allegedly based in rebel held territory just happened to be filming out of a window when lo and behold, stone the crows, the BUK that allegedly shot MH17 down drove past...and with the covers down to show a missing missile! Can pigs fly? Can an elephant hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy? It's possible but highly improbable.

But I have a question or two:
1. that video was allegedly shot well after MH17 had been shot down. The mighty US surveillance system (the one that Snowden tells us exists) had plenty of time with satellites and whatever else they use to photograph every blade of grass in East Ukraine and the bordering region of Russia, to photograph every car, truck, mouse, flea, etc. MH17 was shot down on 17th July, nearly 2 months ago. The US military intelligence team have had two months to analyse all the photographs they took immediately after MH17 was reported as crashed, and all the photographs taken in the following hours and days. But I have not seen any photograph released by them showing a convoy or truck containing a BUK rushing to get back to Russia. In fact, the US military intelligence community refuses to confirm that Russia or pro-Russian separatists shot down MH17. Instead, team Obama is relying on an amateur weapons expert from Leicester to sniff around Youtube for videos. It all sounds farcical if it wasn't so serious.

So perhaps Brown Moses should be asking why the US State Department is relying on him rather than the US military intelligence community and its gerzillion dollar surveiallance budget to provide 'proof' that either Russia or pro-Russian separatists shot down MH17?

I would personally find it a bit suspicious that the Ukraine Security Service posted a video showing the BUK with the covers off showing a missing missile, when there is some doubt about where that film was shot, and when they have continually cried that Russia has invaded Ukraine with tanks and infantry yet not provided one shred of evidence. And not only that, they and their supporters:
1. burn anti-Kiev protestors alive, shoot at them and beat them to death as they try to escape the flames;
2. are bona fide Nazis;
3. attack embassies and paint Nazi swastikas all over the place.

But I am also very concerned at the In The Now show on RT, which I thought actually gave Brown Moses an advert and a platform. I have expressed some concerns at RT already:
1. multiple appearances by Zac Rothschild MP, not being asked anything about 9/11 which his in-laws probably ran but they definitely know who did it;
2. an obsession with the Snowden Revelations, devoting days to him, when it ignores videos on Youtube of General Wesley Clark stating the plan for wars and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to him shortly after 9/11.

Brown Moses and crew have correctly slammed that show on RT. It was a very amateurish attack on him and his crew.

The BUK explodes before impact, which would cause multiple high energy impacts from small projectiles, which would create the results in the photographs on which the report is based. But bullets from a fighter jet could also cause that effect.

But Kiev has apparently released the recordings, or at least some of them, of the communications between MH17 and their ATCs. Kiev has, for whatever reason, withheld them from public. You would think that if Kiev had nothing to hide then those tapes would have been made public very quickly. They posted that video of the convenient BUK on Youtube immediately yet withheld the ATC tapes. What does that suggest?

Russia claimed that a fighter jet appeared just before MH17 went down, but the report does not state that the MH17 radar recorded it.

None of the concerns of the Russian military were addressed, such as the photographed presence on the day of more than usual Ukrainian BUKs very close to area where MH17 came down which were not there the days after, when the rebels do not have aircraft, together with the increased number of Ukrainian operating radar systems.

From this report I am still sceptical that the rebels shot MH17 down. They may well have had a BUK system, but they did not use it. Russia has some very convincing evidence that Kiev was upto something that day, there is the geopolitics that Putin was the driving force for the BRICS Development Bank to threaten the supremacy of the parasitic IMF system, Kiev is infested with violent Nazis, there is a lack of evidence and support from the US military intelligence that the rebels shot MH17 down, and the US State Dept is relying on the amateur Brown Moses to prove that the rebels shot down MH17 by using video from Youtube!

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