
Friday, September 26, 2014


Yesterday Anjem Choudary was arrested with several other Islamic extremists on suspicion of terrorism related offences. This fitted perfectly with all the other events related to the vote today, such as an audio tape of Alan Henning pleading for this life.

Sky News is now reporting that Choudary has been released without charge. In other words, the arrest of Choudary was, as I suggested, politically motivated.

I must make it explicitly clear that I do not support Choudary in any way whatsoever. But politically motivated arrests to create a terrified state of mind in our elected MPs on the eve of a vote for another unnecessary war is not what my grandfathers invaded France in 1944 for. Did yours?

Particularly when our Prime Minister, Callous Cameron, allows a British aid worker to have his head sawn off as a casus belli.

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