
Wednesday, October 08, 2014


Just before the vote on the war motion proposed by Callous Cameron, which cited the beheading of David Haines as a casus belli, Anjem Choudary was arrested on terrorism related offences. A few days later he was released without charge.

Moazzam Begg was arrested upon his return from Syria earlier this year, even though MI5 had given their blessing to his activities there. He was held in custody of 8 months awaiting trial, but was last week released without charge when MI5 admitted they had given their blessing to what he was doing in Syria.

These are just two very high profile examples of how anti-terror laws are used in this Disunited Fascist Queendom. The percentage of suspects arrested on suspicion of terrorism who are eventually charged is very low (single figures I think), and even then the charges are for minor crimes and not terrorism. So it is very easy to either produce a scare or politically motivated arrest or Hollywood arrest with cameras and photographers etc.

Four men have been arrested in London overnight, suspected of terrorism. One of them had recently returned from Syria. It is suspected that they may have been planning a beheading, and the plot was in its early stages, but say the police and MI5, public safety is their greatest concern so they "smashed" the plot, as The Daily Telegraph puts it. The Sun has even dubbed one of the suspects "The Surgeon".

But I have a few questions and comments:
1. if public safety is their greatest concern then why has there been a Covenant of Security between MI5 and the Islamic terrorists for decades, in which the terrorists can operate out of London freely and openly recruit, and in the case of Michael Adeblajo who MI5 were trying to recruit, preach bloody Jihad, a policy which has led to London being nicknamed Londonistan?
2. if the plot was in its early stages then why were the arrests made now and not later when more evidence would be available, and the arrests don't end up as they usually do, which is either suspects released with charge or charged with minor offences?
3. why are the allegations of Moazzam Begg nowhere to be found in today's newspapers, considering that a few days ago the whole nation was mourning his brutal murder suggesting the public would be interested in Begg's allegations, but Callus Cameron is portrayed as a God-given prophet?

We have reason to be sceptical that these arrests will not lead to much: the statistics on nnitial-arrests-to-final-charges support this; and these latest arrests occured at a convenient time.

By the way, what happened to those who were so publicly and spectacularly arrested late last year in London, like something out of The Sweeney? The last I heard they had been released without charge.

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