
Saturday, October 25, 2014


I just read this about what the Canadian Government was planning to do and it all came together:
The government had been set on Wednesday to unveil controversial amendments to Canada’s 2001 Anti-Terrorism Act that would give the security agencies new powers, including the integration of their surveillance of Canadians still more closely with the US National Security Agency (NSA) and other foreign intelligence services. Now, hoping to exploit the climate of fear and nationalism it has stoked up over this week’s attacks, the government has signaled it will postpone the amendments’ introduction so it can rewrite them to give the security forces still greater powers. The revised amendments will reportedly include enhanced powers to preventatively arrest terrorist suspects—that is, to detain people without charge on the mere suspicion that they may commit an illegal act in the future.

While the Conservatives have made no fresh announcements about Canada’s role in the new Mideast war, Canada’s military and corporate media have been urging the government to “level” with Canadians and announce that Canada’s combat mission will last longer than the current six months. They have also been clamouring for the government to match its bellicose rhetoric against Russia, Iran and other states with a huge increase in military spending.

[source : The Ottawa Shooting, WSWS,, 25th October 2014]

Just a teeny weeny bit more than a coincidence, don't you think?

Just as the Canadian Government is about to introduce controversial legislation on surveillance Canada suffers its first terrorist attacks.

And there is a whiff of Lee Harvey Oswald about Zehaf-Bibeau. That photograph of allegedly him with a scarf and brandishing a gun reminds me of the photo on the front page of Time with what was allegedly Oswald with a rifle.

And to add to this, the initial story put out about Zehaf-Bibeau was complete bollocks, and his discussions with two English-speaking men about Islam are nowhere to be found in the media, just like they are in real life. Just like JFKs brain!

Zehaf-Bibeau went to Ottawa to get a passport to go to the Middle East to study Islam and get off drugs. He had a long criminal record, some offences for drugs. He had been begging for help from the Canadian Government to get off drugs but was not given it. But within days of arriving in Ottawa he befriends two strange men, discusses Islam with them, they have since disappeared, and despite being banned for life from owning a gun he obtains one, shoots dead a Canadian soldier and then runs into the Canadian Parliament to be shot dead himself.

And all this just as nice, peaceful Canada was about to introduce draconian surveillance measures?

And what is the Canadian Governments response?

Scrap those proposed draconian laws and introduce even more draconian police state laws!!

What occured in Canada was a false flag, on the scale of The Reichstag Fire.

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