
Sunday, October 05, 2014


I have expressed my concerns about Russia Today:
1. the appearances of Zac Goldmsith on Russia Today without any troubling questions, such as what his in-laws the very powerful Rothschilds, who own the Federal Reserve and created Israel, know about 9/11;
2. Abby Martin attacking Russia over Ukraine, which provoked a resignation of a RT presenter;
3. Sarah Firth resigning at an embarrassing time for Russia shortly after MH17 was shot down, but her work was probably the weakest of all the RT presenters.

But Breaking The Set, which is usually presented by Abby Martin, has now used Evan Barrett as a source of all that is going on in Syria. It was not Martin who interviewed Barrett but Manuel Rapalo. Barrett is the Policy and Media Manager of The Syrian Emergency Task Force. The SETF organised the visit to Syria of Senator John McCain, a visit which yielded this now infamous photograph of McCain with some rather unsavoury characters:

And of course, Barrett was allowed to attack Iran and Russia while extolling the righteous cutthroat Jihadis without any questions from Rapolo. And not surprisingly, Barrett was not asked anything to do with Qatari gas pipelines, or the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark.

Barrett's interview section starts at 2:07 into the following video:

Russia Today has definitely been infiltrated by the forces of darkness. Someone needs to clean it out.

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