
Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The human race has been shat on.

The Transatlantic Slave Trade took centuries to outlaw.

Two engineered world wars, but these have only provoked calls for more world government.

A bailout occured in 2008: £ 1 trillion in 2008.

But still the original families are in power.

Still we live by their laws, while they do not.

And still nobody gives a fuck. Well, that's not quite true: some people do give a fuck, but it is the wrong kind of fuck that will not provide the infinite prosperity that we deserve.

In the TST, gross mass inhumanity to man provoked some kind of mass rebellion.

Since then rebellion against Germany caused WW1 (but that was engineered by Freemasonry).

In WW2 the same powers engineered the Holocaust...but this sadly led to the creation of Israel.

And since then?

Well, we saw last summer that the ordinary person in the street still doesn't give a f... More people do care about Palestine, but after nearly 70 years of Israeli barbarity over half the MPs failed to vote on Palestinian independence.

It will only take something extreme to hit people personally before they do anything. If it occurs to anyone else then so be it. The human race is selfish. They even laugh!

But what if someone raids their bank accounts?? Then it had better be a very very good reason...nothing less than saving the nation...AT LEAST!!!

Hence the bail in simulation yesterday.

The Bail In is planned.

It is being engineered.

Your reaction to it is up to you...

Do you want Bilderberg raiding your bank account to save their fascist necks so they can reduce population down to a half billion?

If not, then ask what you can do stop them.

I am awaiting someone currently unspecial to respecial themselves.

Waitimg and waiting and waiting....

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