
Friday, October 17, 2014


Tarik Hassane has been charged with:
1. swearing an oath of allegiance to Islamic State;
2. communicating with secret methods;
3. conspiring to buy a moped;
4. reconnaissance of Shepherd's Bush police station and White City Territorial Army barracks;
5. filming police and police support officers;
6. having images of the beheading of Steven Sotloff.

Another man has been charged with firearm offences.

These are a far cry from the original charges. When Hassane was initially arrested the media had been planted with the seed story that Hassane was named "The Surgeon" and he was part of an IS plot to behead unspecified victims.

So regarding the charges above,
1. I cannot comment on 1.;
2. for 2. was he he just using standard encryption?
3. as far as I am aware buying a moped is not illegal;
4. how have the police found this? from watching public surveillance video?
5. at first this does look concerning;
6. many people, including journalists who hate IS, around the world will have images of the Sotloff beheading.

On Hassane's initial arrest, which was so spectacularly carried out the day that Moazzam Begg claimed that he had offered to negotiate the release of Alan Henning but the FCO refused, the Metropolitan Police Cmmissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe told BBC London:
"It is one of a series of arrests that we have had over the last few weeks which, taken together, for me confirm that the drumbeat around terrorism has changed," he said.

"It's a more intense drumbeat - we are having to be more interventionist and a lot of it is linked back to Syria and Iraq.

"These are arrests that in some way or other have got that sort of link."

In the same BBC report:
Whitehall officials have said the police operation "may have foiled the early stages" of a planned UK attack.

I still maintain that the initial arrests were made to divert public attention from the explosive allegations of Moazzam Begg. The whole nation had mourned the brutal murder of Alan Henning just days before Begg made his allegations that the FCO had rejected his proposals to negotiate the release of Alan Henning. The whole nation would be interested to know why those proposals were refused, but also why Begg was detained in custody on trumped up charges when he could have been negotiating the release of British hostages. But if Begg had been able to negotiate their release then Callous Cameron would not have been able to cite David Haines as a casus belli and we may not be at war, a war which is designed to oust Assad.

The chargas against Hassane as they stand are not exactly solid and there is a whiff of desperation to cobble a few charges together and make it look like terrorism.

But even if Hassane and the others are guilty, who can we thank? His own police force and MI5!!

Is is they who have allowed a Covenant of Security for decades between Islamic terrorists and themselves. And this been in operation for the last few years to provide a source of Jihadis to fight against President Assad of Syria, who decided to ally with Russia, Iraq and Iran to transport natural gas from the Pars field, in opposition to the Saudis and Qataris who want to transport gas from Pars through their nations through Jordan on to Turkey to ween Europe off Russian gas.

The timing of the initial arrests was highly suspicious, and that most of those initially arrested were released without charge and that Hassane has been charged with some very peculiar charges and not to behead someone, as we were initially led to believe, implies to me that there is more to these arrests than we are being told.

And I think it was divert public attention from the explosive allegations of Moazaam Begg, allegations that have now disappeared from public memory.

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