
Tuesday, October 28, 2014


9/11 was an inside job (no matter what Russell Brand says).

9/11 was designed to start wars in North Africa and the Middle East, in particular on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon (all named in Israel's 1996 call for war entitled A Clean Break) together with Libya, Sudan and Somalia. According to General Wesley Clark, all of these seven nations should have experienced war and regime change by 2007, because the plan was leaked to him.

We went into Afghanistan to restore record opium harvests, not to get Osama bin Laden who died around New Year 2002 from Marfan Syndrome.

After Afghanistan, Iraq in 2003, supposedly for WMDs and 9/11, but these were lies.

After Iraq came Israel's war on Lebanon.

So by 2007 only Iraq and Lebanon had experienced war, and Hezbollah was even stronger after the war.

To continue this series of wars a fresh approach was required. The population of NATO countries was sick and tired of war because of 9/11. So the plan was amended to use useful idiots, the international cutthroat Jihadis we see in Syria today. They would be unleashed onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. This was reported by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection. These international cutthroat Jihadis would either take out the leaders or create a humanitarian catastrophe that the international community could not ignore. But in order to be given support from NATO they had to be portrayed as 'freedom fighters'. So the US State Dept engineered The Arab Spring.

The international cutthroat Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya. BSF advised and guided them on the ground, while NATO became their air force. Gaddafi, who was giving MI6 and CIA the names of al Qaeda in Libya found that those he had named were then being supported by MI6 and the CIA to take him out, which they eventually did, as per the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark.

After Libya the international cutthroat Jihadis were transported to Turkey and Lebanon and smuggled into Syria. Great Britain had asked former French foreign minister Roland Dumas to create these pipelines to smuggle Jihadis into Syria. And from then on the international cutthroat Jihadis have been slitting the throats of defenceless Syrian children, eating the hearts of their prisoners, and using chemical weapons in desperate attempts to fool NATO into intervening on their behalf against Assad.

The war in Syria is not about freedom and democracy but about transporting natural gas from the Pars field across Syria. Qatar supported by Saudi Arabia and NATO member Turkey wants to transport that gas through their nations via Jordan and Syria and onwards to the EU to cut off Russian supplies to the EU. This is supported by NATO, who are also backing neo Nazis in Ukraine to control Russian gas supplies through Ukraine. But Iran, Iraq and Syria want a pipeline through their nations and onto the EU but protecting Russian supplies to the EU. This is obviously supported by Russia.

So who should you, as a human being and not an erotic animal, support?

In one corner, on 9/11 NATO and its allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel flew planes in to the WTC and The Pentagon and then initiated this plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five year that was revealed to General Wesley Clark. When that plan became moribund they decided to unleash the useful idiots, the cannibals, the international cutthroat Jihadis, who have been slitting the throats of defenceless Syrian children and using chemical weapons to fool us into supporting their cutthroat Jihad. We have been doing our bit by allowing preachers like Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad on the streets of London to provide fresh meat for the Jihadi factory to transport to Syria in one of the Jihadi pipelines into Syria that are run by NATO member Turkey (and we saw what Adebalajo eventually did). They have also backed neo Nazis in a violent coup in Ukraine.

In the other corner, Russia has not flown planes into its own buildings to start a series of wars, has not invaded countries or bombed countries into the stone age based on blatant lies and killing a million in the process, is opposing the international cutthroat Jihadis of NATO in Syria (for reasons explained above), and has recently created a development bank as a rival to the Federal Reserve System that has sucked the life out of the human race through the IMF. Russia opposed the NATO-sponsored neo Nazis in Ukraine.

This is the choice that you have to make now. Today. Not tomorrow. Not next month or after Crimbo.


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