
Friday, October 03, 2014


Yet another country has decided that Islamic State is such a threat to them that they are going into Syria. That country is Turkey.
Turkey’s parliament has voted to authorise military action against Islamic State (Isis) militants as the jihadists advanced within a couple of miles of the encircled Kurdish town of Kobani along the Turkish-Syrian border.

[source : Turkey MPs back military involvement in Iraq and Syria as Isis advances, The Guardian,, 2nd October 2014]

But at the same time, Turkey is host to Islamic State's first Consulate!!
The ISIL Takfiri terrorists have purportedly opened a consulate in Turkey and use it to issue visas for those who want to join the fight against the Syrian and Iraqi governments.

The Turkish daily Aydinlik said in a recent report that the consulate was founded in the Cankaya district of the capital Ankara.

The militants are said to be operating freely inside the country without much problem.

[source : ISIL opens 1st consulate in Turkish capital, Press TV,, 32d October 2014]

And once Turkey gets involved in Syria then so does NATO...

The situation in Syria is very, very murky.

Syria has been an enemy of Israel, and was thus named as a target for Israeli aggression in 1996 in A Clean Break, along with Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. Iraq and Iran were named in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses as the greatest threats to US national security, Iran being the greater of the two. And shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for wars and regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, with Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Hmm. Just a coincidence you may think. Until you discover that PNAC were virtually in control of the US power structure on the day of 9/11 and before, as well as in influential media and think tank positions, and in Rebuilding America's Defenses had stated their desire for "a new Pearl Harbor" to convince the US public to support PNAC's plans for global hegemony.

So once you smash through the initial set of lies and propaganda that we are out to get al Qaeda, it looks like all the wars since 9/11 have been due to Zionism.

But the situation in Syria is dredging up some very, very ugly faces of humanity.

The Pars gas fields of Iran and Qatar are the real source of Syria's current problems, and Israel hopes to takes a piece of the spoils. The Pars gas fields were discovered decades ago, so could be the real reason for Israel writing A Clean Break.

The questions are:
1. why would you want to transport gas from the largest gas field in the world, Pars, to Europe?
2. how could you do this?

The answer to 1. is obviously money, not Zionism. Or is it? How about weening Europe from dependence on Russia's gas? Or is that due to money too?

The answer to 2. is more complex, and drags in religion.

Qatar proposed a pipeline from Pars through Qatar-Saudi Arabia-Jordan-Syria-Turkey, i.e. Sunni.

But Assad wanted a pipeline from the Pars through Iran-Iraq-Syria, i.e. Shia.

Turkey itself wants to be the new but bigger Ukraine, acting as a crossroads and controlling gas flow to Europe from not just the Middle East but also from Russia.

You can see the alliances of today forged in the routes that proposed pipelines might take: Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been financing the cutthroat Jihadis, Jordan has been and will be hosting training camps for the cutthroat Jihadis, and Turkey has been acting as a base for the cutthroat Jihadis by allowing a porous border between Turkey and Syria; Iraq, Iran and Syria were named in A Clean Break.

Israel and Saudi Arabia did 9/11.

The Saudis have cut a deal with Qatar to allow a pipeline across Saudi Arabia, and Turkey and Jordan are doing their bit.

It's just that Assad, who has decided to not play. So the cutthroat Jihadis have been unleashed.

And this glorious Disunited Fascist Queendom has allied with the cutthroats to ween Europe off Russian natural gas.

But why diminish Russian power?

Because Russia along with a few other nations have just created the BRICS Development Bank as a rival to the Federal Reserve-dominated IMF/World Bank parasite of evil which is dominated by Bilderberg and thus the British monarchy. And if Russia can't sell its gas to Europe then it can't finance the BRICS Development bank and thus aid nations across the world to cast off their chains that have shackled them to the Bohemian Grove/IMF/Wall Street cabal for decades!!

This is why the whole of the world should be supporting President Assad, the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian people against the Saudi-Qatar-sponsored cutthroat Jihadis.

Syria is the battleground for the human race: if the Saudi-Qatari Axis of Evil wins then the human race will remain shackled to the Satanists. If Assad wins then there is at least the possibility that the BRICS can unchain a few nations from their Bilderberg jailer.

This is why Prince Bandar ran Ghouta.

This is why Ukraine shot MH17 down.

So that is this morning's tutorial in current affairs.

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