
Friday, October 10, 2014


This week Turkey has sat and watched Kobani fall to Islamic State headchoppers. It has been reported that Ankara is host to a Islamic State consulate, where prospective IS fighters can get their documentation and travel sorted out to join the IS front line.

Turkey is meddling in Syria because of a proposed pipeline to transport Qatari natural gas through Saudi Arabia, Syria to Turkey and onto Europe. Assad did not want that pipeline from the Pars field traversing Syria, instead negotiating a pipeline from the Pars from Iran to Iraq through Syria.

Thus we see the alliances of today: Syria, Iraq and Iran versus Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Turkey has made to demands that must be met if they are to engage their mates, Islamic State:1
1. oust Assad;
2. No Fly Zone over Syria;
3. a buffer zone on Syrian territory.

The second of these is aimed at the Syrian Air Force. Islamic State do not have any aircraft of any kind. But the Syrian Air Force has been bombing IS positions for months!!

The third of these is designed to aid Islamic State and all the other ragtag bandits who have been unleashed onto Syria by NATO and their allies.

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