
Saturday, November 22, 2014


Recall that Dr Richard Day stated in 1969 that "anything goes" would be the attitude towards sex. Homosexuality would be encouraged to add further to our degeneracy, along with abortion. But how about sex with robots?

Is this degenerating or advancement?

But a spokesman working with Ishiguro’s lab says it is not a great leap of imagination to think similar robots, given the advancement in robotics and silicone skin technology, will be used for sex.

'Physical relations will be possible in general with such androids,' said Takahashi Komiyama.

'Androids for the sex industry are a definite possibly. Some have even fallen in love with Ishiguro’s geminoids. So we can't rule those relationships out.'

Japan already boasts the world’s most advanced sex dolls from firms such as Kanojotoys or Orient Industries based in Tokyo.

Around £6,000 buys the very superior Yasuragi 'dutch wife' sex doll with extras such as movable eyes and flexible fingers and a skin texture its makers say is indistinguishable from the real thing.

Lady Gaga was so impressed with their quality that she asked the Japanese firm to make dolls in her own image.

'It is not inconceivable,' said an Orient Industries spokesman, 'that we will be making android life partners in the near future.'

[source : The hyper-real robots that will replace receptionists, pop stars... and even sex dolls: Unnervingly human androids coming to a future very near you, The Daily Mail,, 20th November 2014]

Say what?

This will contribute to:
1. anything goes;
2. depopulation.

Just like homosexuality.

Again: advancement or degeneracy?

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