
Monday, November 24, 2014


#ÇameronMustGo because he allowed David Haines and Alan Henning to have their heads sawn off to provide a casus belli for war on Syria.

He claimed that we should not pay any ransom to Islamic State because it would support terrorism. Yet:
1. the UK has been the base for Islamic extremist terrorism for decades through a Covenant of Security between the terrorists and MI5;
2. we are good allies with headchopping Saudi Arabia who has been funding the terrorism in Syria.

Moazzam Begg, a former detainee of Guantanamo Bay, was asked by the family and friends of Alan Henning to negotiate Henning's release. Begg approached the FCO who rejected the proposal. Begg still went to Syria and told the British government what he was going to do and they gave their blessing. But upon his return Begg was arrested on trumped up charges based on what he had been given permission to do by the British government! Begg was then detained in custody all spring and summer where he had no chance of being able to negotiate the release of any British hostage. Begg's case collapsed very soon after Alan Henning had his head sawn off.

A treaty was agreed at the G8 meeting least year that no ransoms would be paid fro any hostages. But France paid ransoms and as a consequence French hostages will soon enjoy Christmas with their friends and families...and with the their heads still on their shoulders.

#CameronMustGo to prison for cold-blooded murder, of not just David Haines and Alan Henning, but also for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

The war in Syria is not about freedom, democracy and human rights. The evidence for this is that the Syrian rebels are being financed by that utopia of freedom, democracy and human rights, the headchopping Kingdom of Saudi Arabia! WHAT A JOKE!!

No. The war in Syria is about building a pipeline from the massive Pars gas field, that is shared by Qatar and Iran, from Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and onto Europe to threaten Russia's business with and influence over Europe. Assad wants a pipeline from Pars through Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and not to threaten Russia's business with and influence over Europe.

To get this pipeline built the nastiest, cannibalistic, medieval cutthroat Jihadis have been unleashed onto defenceless Syrian children. Those brave Syrian military personnel caught defending those children have their heads sawn off in a horrific mass execution as we saw last week.

And the war in Syria is just one of seven that was planned and revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11 that was planned and executed to provide the casus belli for those wars in North Africa and the Middle East.

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