
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Examine the image in this tweet.

Does history repeat itself?

The image repeats the mildly popular analogy that Zionism is Nazism and that Zionism is executing a holocaust against the Palestinians.

The Nazis allegedly murdered 6 millions Jews, and Israel has been citing that holocaust as its raison d'etre, to provide a safe haven fro Jews from a cruel and harsh world.

Zionism can be traced to a weirdo called Jacob Frank. Frank claimed to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi who had tried to persuade the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to give Palestine to the Jews. Frank tried a different approach to create a Jewish state and created what can only be described a sex cult. Frank was found guilty of heresy and banished to Offenbach where he was financed by the Rothschilds. With their vast wealth from banking, the Rothschilds and their good family friends and business partners the Montefiores, then began to try to buy land in Palestine. Colonisation funds were established for this purpose. Some kind of deal was reached between the Zionists and the British Government during WW1 in which it is alleged the Jews would bring the USA into the war on the side of Great Britain if Great Britain would hand Palestine to the Jews. This was coded in The Balfour Declaration. After WW1 mass Jewish immigration began into Palestine. Riots and massacres resulted. The Zionists formed an apparently unlikely but logical friendship with the Nazis: the Nazis wanted Jews out of Germany; the Zoinists wanted Jews in Palestine. The rise of Hitler and the Nazis is for a separate post, but there is very significant evidence that the Nazis were deliberately created by The City of London and Wall Street for world war. But there was a problem: most German Jews did not want to move to Palestine, despite the Nazis and their violence!! The Nazis actually collaborated with the Zionists and smuggled out Jews to Palestine. Before and during WW2 Zionist leaders wrote and spoke of how after the war Israel would be created but the old, weak and sick would have to be sacrificed. The holocaust traumatised the Jewish youth so much that they formed terrorist organisations who committed war crimes, massacres and atrocities as they drove nearly one million Palestinians off their lands and into the largest refugee camps of The Gaza Strip and The West Bank. The British, who had the mandate for Palestine, stood idly by and watched, even as the Zionist terrorists murdered British soldiers and bombed their headquarters. Eventually Great Britain left the Jewish terrorists to it and Israel was formed. Since then the holocaust has been used as emotional blackmail by Israel to extract billions of dollars of aid every year and promises of defence. With this backing, Israel, just like NATO, has expanded and expanded and expanded. In response Palestinians created their own terrorist organisations and committed atrocities such as at Munich 1972 Olympic Games. More recently, every 2 years or so Israel executes an engineered war on Gaza. Anywhere between several hundred to several thousand Palestinians die in each war. The wars also reduce Gaza to more rubble and add to the time it will take for reconstruction.

So no. History is not repeating itself. Not exactly.

But yes. Israel is engaged in what can only be described as ethnic cleansing, but on a scale smaller than the Nazi holocaust of the Jews.

Basically, Israel has been created through terrorism and collaboration with the Nazis.

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