
Wednesday, November 05, 2014


My C- has been upgraded to A-. The vast majority of the human race gets a big red F.

In January this year I proposed a protest outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June to recognise the engineering of World War One by the British monarchy through first organising its Freemasonic networks to assassinate Arch Duke Ferdinand and then pretend that Great Britain would not join in any subsequent war while ordering Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into any war. World War One was engineered by the British monarchy because Germany and the USA had replaced The British Empire as the dominant economic forces through their implementation of The American System of Economics while The Brutish Empire relied on slavery and free trade.

People had 5 months to plan. I reminded people from 2 weeks before. On the day I turned up, even though I was absolutely cream-crackered from being zapped during the few nights previous to that day. I had also warned that this was going to happen.

But on the other side of Covent Garden, on The Strand and in Trafalgar Square, a huge celebration took place to celebrate blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses.

As Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Eng;and, Prince Edward, later King Edward VII began engineering World War One through negotiating The Triple Entente which would isolate and lead to the surrounding of Germany. But Edward was a nymphomaniac bisexual degenerate.

And on 28th June 2014 that degeneracy had reincarnated on The Strand and in Trafalgar Square.

To say I was, and still am, furious is an understatement.

So my grade is now A- for the following reasons:
1. for recognising the significance of 28th June this year and wanting to remember what our father and grandfathers went through ;
2. for being prepared to shout Freemasons Hall down;
3. for explaining to readers and the government what has been and is going on.

The - is because it is all still happening, and being zapped sucked all my confidence out.

The vast majority of the human race gets a big red F.

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