
Tuesday, November 25, 2014


This is more of what we are supporting in Ukraine.

The Interior Minister Arsen Avakov has appointed a Nazi as the Chief of Police for Kiev. But not only that, Avakov did so without consultation with civilian organisations.

In other words, a Nazi Chief of Police has been imposed onto the civilians of Kiev.

The Nazi in question is Vadim Troyan, deputy commander of the Azov battalion and also a member of Patriot of Ukraine, an organisation classified by authoritative researcher Viacheslav Likhachev as neo-Nazi.

Please read Disastrous Police Appointment to see exactly how Ukraine works today: a government of Nazis, for Nazis and by Nazis.

And to think that these people have total control over what is published in the report into MH17!?

Does anyone smell a cover up?


Remember that it was Avakov who released that very dubious video of a smoking gun BUK with missing missiles which he first said was shot in Krasnodon at the crack of dawn on 18th July but then corrected himself to say that the video was shot in Luhansk at the crack of dawn on 18th July. But this completely contradicts the counterintelligence chief who said that the BUK that shot down MH17 was in Russia at the crack of dawn on 18th July.

So, would you trust a man who appoints a Nazi as Chief of Police without following the rules?


Particularly when his statements are in contradiction to other Kiev officials.

And again, I appeal to Brown Moses and Belling Cat to explain how and why the separatists would transport a smoking gun BUK with missing missiles from Shizhne into the dead end war zone of Luhansk that was infested with Kiev Nazis when it was much more logical to have transported it to Krasnodon?

But I repeat, that this is assuming that a BUK seen in Shizhne on 17th July did indeed shoot down MH17 because at the moment zero evidence has been presented to support this allegation...NOT EVEN FROM NATO WHO SAY THEY HAVE IT!!

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