
Friday, November 14, 2014


Well, would you Adam and Steve it?

Once upon a time America was a good nation and a threat to the British Empire. The USA had a civil war over slavery, that was engineered by Great Britain. Slavery was eventually banned (though they certainly did take their time, eh?). And The American System of Economics led to both the USA and Germany seeing rapid and massive economic development (though in the USA this was at the expense of the native American Indians who were herded into reservations of ever decreasing size to drink themselves to death), replacing the Brutish Empire, with its reliance on free trade and slavery, as the dominant economic forces. This then prompted the British monarchy in the form of nymphomaniac bisexual degenerate King Edward VII, and their gimps such as Sir Edward Grey to engineer World War 1 and from the resulting carnage create a world government that they would control. But the USA voted to stay out of the League of Nations. It was through Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson that the USA finally succumbed to the British when they created the Federal Reserve which was run by the Hofjuden of the British monarchy such as the Rothschilds.

Since then the USA has virtually been 'the enforcer', the muscle, for the British monarchy.

9/11 was an inside job to provide the casus belli for a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East. One of those wars was planned for Syria. A series of protests related to the US State Dept-engineered Arab Spring took place in Syria in early 2011, which were taken over by international cutthroat Jihadis sponsored by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The violence in Syria is about kicking out Assad to build a pipeline from the Pars gas field from Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey and then onto Europe. Assad wants a pipeline from the Pars gas field from Iran through Iraq, Syria and I think Lebanon too. NATO is supporting the Qatari pipeline proposal because that would threaten Russia's relations with and alleged control over Europe. Assad wants to protect Russia's current business relationships with Europe.

So you can see where the alliances over Syria have come from.

In order to get this Qatari pipeline built requires Assad being kicked out (or his mind changed). So Saudi Arabia, Qatar and NATO have unleashed the nastiest cannibalistic international cutthroat Jihadis onto defenceless Syrian children. So on Children in Need Day today just remember this: Cameron is supporting these cannibals and cutthroats. But in 2013 after over 2 years of war in Syria, Assad was still in power, and beginning to annihilate Cameron's cutthroats. So Prince Bandar of headchopping Saudi Arabia went to Moscow to personally threaten Putin: if Putin dumped Assad then Saudi Arabia would buy billions of dollars of weapons from Russia; if not then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria to embarrass Putin. Putin refused this lovely heartwarming offer.

And so, on 21st August in Ghouta, Bandar unleashed hell in Syria.

But this false flag of Ghouta failed. There was no war on Syria, and I think we can thank Ed Miliband for stopping that planned war on Syria, and I think this is partially the reason why he is now under attack in the NATO media, on the final lap before the general election next year.

So this Islamic State entity was allowed to be created. The Syrian Arab Arny chased the cutthroats out of Syria into Iraq, where sympathetic and/or bribed officers of the Iraqi Army ordered their units to stand down to allow the escaping cutthroats to seize weapons and bank accounts, declare the Islamic State run by a former (and now brainwashed?) detainee of Guantanamo Bay, behead anything that moves and thus provide NATO the casus belli to overtly engage in military action in Iraq and Syria.

And once the bullets and missiles start flying anything can happen...

But after 2 months of a soft war on the Islamic State, the USA is now reported to be thinking that...surprise! destroy the Islamic State they have to destroy Assad!!

Where this illogic has come from I have no idea. The Syrian Arab Army chased the cutthroats out of Syria and has been fighting the cutthroats for years. So can someone please explain to me how destroying Assad will destroy ISIS.

It is, as Spock would say, "highly illogical".

And you can't argue with Spock!!

Unless it is all the biggest load of hairy, sweaty, old bollocks and the aim, as many of us have been saying, is to oust Assad as part of the plan to create that pipeline from Qatar which itself is part of the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11.

Though publicly administration officials continue to deny any formal review of the ISIS war strategy or any change in policy, privately there are growing numbers conceding that a series high-level meetings are in progress looking to totally revamp the Syria war policy.

In particular, officials say, there is a recognition that the previous Iraq-first strategy is untenable, and much of the push also seems to be toward ousting the Assad government alongside the war against ISIS, against al-Qaeda, and against other, miscellaneous factions therein.

[source : Obama’s Syria Review Looks to Shift Focus to Attacking Assad, AntiWar,, 13th November 2014

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