
Saturday, November 29, 2014


The Snowden Revelations were supposed to be a humungous threat to national security. The heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ all cursed Snowden before a besotted and bewitched coven of brainless MPs, accusing Snowden of exposing their spying methods and of helping al Qaeda (not mentioning that they have been helping al Qaeda and their ilk in Syria, and before that in Libya). Their solution? GIVE THE SPIES MORE POWERS!!

The Snowden Revelations were printed day after day after day by The Guardian, and in the USA by The Bilderberg Washington Post. Each newspaper even wrote a book about those revelations and their exposing of those revelations.

Yet as soon as there is a whisper of Whitehall paedophilia a D Notice is slapped on any newspaper thinking of printing those particular revelations.

So using our God-given logic, what can we deduce from this?

The Snowden Revelations have barely caused a stir in the people. If so then where are the weekly protests about intrusive surveillance? When Israel was killing 500 children in The Gaza Strip during summer there were weekly protests for a few weeks. There is the occasional Million Mask March somewhere, which is a general protest covering all sorts of topics.

So why aren't the people out on the streets every weekend, with placards and pitchforks, demanding their freedom?

Because the people couldn't give a fuck.

They only care about getting as much sex and as much money as they can.

But to that we can now add getting as many Dysons as they can.

“I got a Dyson but I don’t even know if I want it. I just picked it up,” Louise Haggerty, a 56-year-old hairdresser and waitress, said of her 1am trip to the Black Friday sales. “It was mental in there. It was crazy. It was absolutely disgusting, disgusting.”

Haggerty had ventured out to the 24-hour Sainsbury’s in Harringay, north-east London, with a friend in the hope of snapping up a bargain flat screen TV. “But so many people pushed in the queue we didn’t have a chance,” she said. “The poor woman who was second in the queue was pushed out by the crowd of youths, she didn’t get anything.

“People were behaving like animals, it was horrible,” she said. “I only saw two security guards.”

[source : Black Friday scuffles: 'I got a Dyson but I don’t even know if I want it', The Guardian,, 28th November 2014]

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