
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


This time last year Ukraine was in relative peace. But then the legitimate Ukraine government decided to reject a deal with the EU and IMF and sign a deal with Russia. Suddenly all hell broke loose. Neo-Nazis occupied the Maidan and attacked policemen. The neo-Nazis occupied the building where shots came from that killed both protestors and policemen, the incident that roused the protestors, most of them neo-Nazis, in to a rabid frenzy. Eagerly encouraged by NATO the neo-Nazis stormed and burned government buildings, chased away the legitimate government and formed a Nazi junta in which they occupied the most powerful positions. Their supporters paraded around Kiev proudly displaying their Nazi heritage. In Odessa they chased anti-junta protestors into a building and burned them alive, shooting at those trying to jump from second floor windows to escape the flames, and beating to death those who survived the jump. They painted Nazi swastikas all over Kiev, in particular on the fence of and on overturned cars parked outside the Russian Embassy in Kiev.

So is it any surprise that Callous Cameron, the soulless ghoul who allows British citizens to have their heads sawn off to provide a casus belli for war on Syria, is supporting those same neo-Nazis as they brand anyone who does not support them with Nazi swastikas as if they were slaves?

Cameron was at the Cenotaph on 9th November laying a wreath while wearing his solemn, grim mask, along with the rest of our ghoulish politicians. Even Liz struggled to contain her laughter. Yet they support these blatantly obvious Nazis!!!

I don't think my grandfathers invaded Northern France in June 1944 for this!!

Did yours?


We should:
1. get the hell out of Ukraine;
2. get the hell out of Syria.

All we do is bring death and destruction and hatred.

We are better than this.

Much better.

Aren't we?

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