
Tuesday, November 18, 2014


In SO WHAT ARE THE COMPLEXITIES OF THE CONFLICT THEN? I posted earlier this morning I explained what the complexities of the conflict in Syria are. If you do not not know then go to the above link and read them.

But in 2007 Syria was at peace with itself: no mass beheadings; no crucifixions; no false flag chemical attacks; no children with their throats cut; no children playing football kicking a head around in the street.

This only started to happen after the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia decided to unleash the nastiest cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon, but first unleashing them onto Libya. Assad is blocking the development of a pipeline from Qatar to Europe that would threaten Russia's business with and influence over Europe.

But this is Syria today.

Welcome to Syria.

For over three years Assad, the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian people have stood up to this barbarism that has been financially supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, politically and morally supported by the UK and USA, logistically supported by the USA, Turkey and Jordan, and medically supported by Israel. The butchers are not Syrian. They are from all over the world. The conflict in Syria has been driven from outside. Some Syrians fell for the Arab Spring but realised the error of their ways and rejoined the Syrian people.

But what is our solution? OUST ASSAD!!

Yep! Oust the man who with the support of the Syrian military and people has been defeating this medieval barbarism for 3 years!!


Islamic State was deliberately created to be used in whatever way to oust Assad in order to get that Qatar-Saudi-Jordan-Syria-Turkey pipeline built to diminish Russia's global influence. The conflict in Ukraine is also part of this war on Russia.

The driving force for all this is in London.

I think I can stop all this war and butchery quickly...but not on my own.

There is a teacher out there who I think can help me but who doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't have bad breath. I don't sacrifice kittens to Satan. I have not done or said anything to or about this teacher for them to have treated me this way. I am I think a good man with a good heart and a good brain, but for whatever reason I was and still am ostracised...even though I have told that teacher that I write TTS and sent them lots of other stuff too (which they did not tell me to stop doing even though I asked them to tell me if they wanted me to stop sending stuff).

I would expect that teacher to be begging to help me, to find out in what way I think they can help me to make this world a safer, happier world for their children.

But for whatever reason they do not want to help me or talk to me.

What that teacher doesn't seem to realise is that this kind of tyranny from Islamic State is planned for us all: mass depopulation, pure fascism, no human rights or freedoms, just uneducated half-human, half machine workers who are reduced to erotic animals with no empathy for anything.

Is that what they want? For all this to continue until we have degenerated to animals and can degenerate no more?


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