
Monday, December 01, 2014


Eliot Higgins aka Brown Moses recently retweeted this from James Miller:

But who is James Miller? Miller's twitter profile lists that he is editor of The Interpreter. Miller is also a contributor to Foreign Policy, which is pure Anglo-American intelligence. FP was founded by Samuel Huntington, owned by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace but is now owned by Graham Holdings, which is the Graham family of The Washington Post.

So if Miller is a contributor to FP then he is at least writing things that the Anglo-American-Bilderberg Nazis want people to hear.

So, back to The Interpreter. What is it?

The Interpreter is a Special Project of the Institute of Modern Russia (IMR).

So what is Institute of Modern Russia?

It is The Open Russia Foundation 2.0

Open Russia Foundation was the Rothschild's espionage pipeline into Russia and was entrusted to soon-to-be-jailbird Mikhail Khordokovsky. ORF was opened in 2001 in Somerset House which at the time was owned by the Rothschilds (and may still be). On the board of ORF sat Khordokovsky, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Henry Kissinger. So ORF was a flagship of Bilderberg intelligence activities in Russia, and Mikhail Khordokovsky was up to his neck in it.

ORF was shut down in 2006, while Mikhail was doing bird, but his son Pavel formed IMR to, and I quote from the IMR website, "continue the work his father, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, began through the Open Russia Foundation."

So from this can we deduce that, like its parent Open Russia Foundation, the IMR is doing the evil work of the Rothschilds? I think we can.

And here is why.

James Miller has his own page on The Interpreter. Here it is.

One entry on Miller's page is UPDATED Evidence Review: Who Shot Down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17?

Reading that page you will find this link to a map of reported sightings of BUKs in the area around Torez.

The two routes of interest are the dark green route from Shizhne to Luhansk, and the black route from Chornukhyne (click on the pins for further information). The pin on Chornukhyne refers to an intercepted conversation which is claimed by rebels to refer to the Antonov An 26. That is the BUK that is most likely to be the one in that controversial video of the BUK with missing missiles.

Even the pseudo-Rothschild The Interpreter is providing evidence to back me up on that.

But Eliot Higgins and Belling Cat used that video of a BUK with missing missile in Luhansk in a desperate bid to link Russia to MH17. I have asked several times now how it could have got to Luhansk from Shizhne but without reply, suggesting that that video was perhaps filmed earlier than 18th July or was the BUK that shot down the Antonov An26 on 14th July.

But NATO media and politicians jumped on the Belling Cat report as slam dunk evidence that Russia shot down MH17!!

This map from James Miller does not even address the situation on the ground: that Luhansk was a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis who were battling to create a corridor south and west of Luhansk to Luhansk Airport. Even Porky tweeted on 13th July that the Kiev Nazis were about to start military operations to create such a corridor.


So to summarise this post:
1. James Miller writes things the warmongers want us to hear (FP). He edits The Interpreter which was founded by Pavel Khordokovsky to carry on the work of Open Russia Foundation which was founded by his father Mikhail and governed by Rothschild and Kissinger.
2. Miller's own entry refers to a map with two routes for a BUK:
(i) one route that travels to the point identified as carrying a BUK with missing missiles on 18th July in Luhansk but that BUK is claimed by the rebels to be the one that shot down an Antonov An 26
(ii) a second route that takes a BUK form Shizhne to Luhansk and then to Krasnodon. BUT note that that route does NOT, repeat NOT, take it to the location identified in Luhansk where the alleged smoking gun BUK was filmed, but does take it right past the war zone of Luhansk Airport!!!!!

This is important because NATO media and politicians all jumped on the Belling Cat report as slam dunk evidence that Russia shot down MH17. The Belling Cat report tried to prove that a BUK seen in Shizhne on 17th July was the one filmed in Luhansk allegedly on 18th July and that because that BUK was missing a missile then that was the one that shot down MH17. But Belling Cat failed on that. They even admit in their own report that they cannot link it.

Can you see what I am getting at?

I may have to clarify my argument over the next few days, but if James Miller on a Khordokovsky website says that the BUK that shot down MH17 was in Russia at 4am at the latest on 18th July (citing Ukraine intelligence reports) then how could it have been in West Luhansk at the crack of dawn to be filmed?!

The Russia-shot-down-MH17 cabal cannot get their stories right: one lot says one thing while another lot says something else.

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