
Saturday, December 13, 2014


Abdel Hakim Belhadj was renditioned to Libya by MI6 for torture by Gaddafi's henchmen.

A few years later and Belhadj was a hero of MI6 as he led the Libyan rebels to victory through their assassination of Colonel Gaddafi.

Gaddafi had been cooperating with the Global War on Terror, giving the names of Islamic extremists in North Africa to MI6 and CIA.

But then we turned on him.

Now Libya, once the jewel in the crown of Africa, is a terrified shit hole, with no over all control, terrorist factions fighting each other, and no infrastructure.

Libya was one of seven nations named to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 as targets for war and regime change, even though those nations had sweet FA to do with 9/11. The other six nations were Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, with Sudan and Somalia in North Africa.

This is what the NATO media should be focusing on. This is confirmed fact. But the NATO media, being the NATO media, is focusing on maybes and possibilities.

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